Monday, August 22, 2022

Biden's Big Options Billboard; Drug Dealers' Billboard; 8th Key to the Peace Exchange; The Economic District Attorney; AI Granny vs. Racism; DroneDek's Smart Mailbox (September 2022)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method mentioned will work for your situation, and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

Disclosure: SFHG money blog is linked to Google Analytics and Blogger has its own Analytics. Your information is not sold or used in any way except for counting the number of visits to this site or its pages. Click away from this site if you do not want to be tracked in any way.

SFHG Update

Visualize a postcard with a picture of a fantastic mosque with an angel of G-d in front of it. That's my Hadith business card! 

As Salaam Alaikum, Shalom, and Greetings!

I'm requesting additional assistance from Christians, Muslims, and Jewish Community whom I've helped with my financial DCS holograms over the years. I need your protection.

Info from readers: The Department of Justice said I was in danger of assassination [from the real criminals] probably because I have 68 ANTICRIME Methods which I'm going to explain because people don't understand them completely.

5 to 10 are antidrug methods and most are negative anticrime methods used to fend off DCS attacking criminals.

A handful are positive antipoverty methods.

Unfortunately the 68 methods are scattered throughout my sketchbooks and #55 is missing.

I'm asking for your protection. In exchange I'll give you 3 marvelous gifts from my database to make your lives a lot easier.

Drug Dealers: El Chapo = El Cheapo! Exit drugs rich! Yes! I'm unofficially your new legal money guy.

Still helping with the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Hopefully, the Knesset and PLO take notice of my Peace Exchange Method!

Here are the 3 gifts or shortcuts:


Crypto Superyield Summit, $59 and scroll down to the $14.95 One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series. DeFi Account 85% APY and drug dealers look for section 3, videos 1 to 3 for Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months. I apologize for calling this a Crypto Loaner or Lender in previous blog post. I have limited resources.


John of New - Recalled he was an apostle of Jesus via a past life regression. You don't have to believe this but do cherry pick (secret) information about Jesus.

Love Covered Life Podcast - What do people do in heaven? Cherry pick NDEs.

Why should you listen to me?

I have 300 peak IQ + theta wave creativity at will. Hopefully my readers are right about this blog making The Museum of Financial Brillance twice! They gave me the address of 48 Wall Street which is The Museum of American Finance.

Current Situation

The [DCS] assassins are changing over to DeFi and going back to the nuts who f-worded them to my apartment complex because they're getting paid $0.


Use DCS atttack: Attack the nut!

Use DCS attack: Filter!

Keep a record on Twitter! #news, #sfpd


This section contains 4 additional economic methods for a total of 177. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

SFHG: I'm aware the news said I only had 160-something economic methods. My defintion is slightly different.

1. Biden's Big Options Billboard

65 cents per barrel oil. Ask JP Morgan for the company name and ticker symbol. Picked up this one from a Teeka Tiwari publication. Good for potash; used in farming.

Liquid Nanoclay Factory for climate change.

Carbon (Graphene) Circuitry.

Trapped Energy! 1 year = 5x total output of the entire Ghawar field. 

Nuclear Diamond Battery.

AI Granny [is black for this era] vs. Racism. Teaches white people about Universal Millionaire Income (UMI): DeFi Account 85% APY and for drug dealers Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months (Section 3, Videos 1 to 3). Goal is to support a macro or inclusive family and wealthy family options. Not all white people are murderers! Repair alliances and friendships so you can fight greater evils!

Blockchain + Patent System.

Chill Breeze and Chill Well: Evaporative Cooling Units.

Weapons Coin! Can't buy weapons with anything else. Trackable. Get cash or crypto back if you have the weapon destroyed (certificate). Maximize privacy rights of other cryptos.

2. Drug Dealers' Billboard

SFHG: Unofficially, in return for helping me, I'm your new legal money guy!

El Chapo = El Cheapo. Exit drugs rich! 


Crypto Superyield Summit, $59 and scroll down to the $14.95 One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series. DeFi Account 85% APY and drug dealers look for section 3, videos 1 to 3 for Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months. I apologize for calling this a Crypto Loaner or Lender in previous blog post. I have limited resources.

Jeff Clark Trader $19 Deal. Also look for the 44 Day Retirement Accelerator.

Inverse ETF. When the market goes down, the Inverse ETF skyrockets!

3. 8th Key to the Peace Exchange

SynBio Technology! 50 cancers blood test, fertilizer, etc.


The Synthetic DNA Factory is Building New Forms of LIfe
Sep 8, 2019

4. The Economic District Attorney

Alcatraz Postcard or Bookmarker Upgrade: 


Crypto Superyield Summit, $59 and scroll down to the $14.95 One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series. DeFi Account 85% APY and drug dealers look for section 3, videos 1 to 3 for Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months. I apologize for calling this a Crypto Loaner or Lender in previous blog post. I have limited resources.

Security Social Drone - DA drone. Flies into crime zones and gives them money methods.

Universal Millionaire Income (UMI) - Example is Jeff Clark Trader's $19 Deal which is actually an effective education!

Fentanyl and Marijuana Replacement Money! See Liquidity Provider above. You may need to advertise an alternative to Fentanyl: 1 gummy bear vs Fentanyl. Gummies are available on Amazon and have no THC in them but will give you lots of energy and other medicinal benefits.

Stealing Replacement YouTube ADs: Jobs/10 in difficulty compared to difficult welfare and eBay jobs. (SFHG: My source says technically it actually Job/4 in difficulty). See reference section just below this article for details.

Crypto Mining to fund anticrime fintech methods

Metaverse Court

Money Algorithm and quant service for the poor.

Tokenize % Hospital

Solar or infinity coil fintech mural in the Tenderloin

SFHG: My African American constituents asked me not to only help African Americans mostly. My IQ is 300 + theta wave creativity. Help Everybody!


Making Money with DeFi

How to make Money with Crypto - DeFi for Beginners
Whiteboard Crypto
2:53 - 6 little DeFi Jobs
11:00 FREE DeFi Guide download description

At 2:53 this video describes 6 types of little Crypto - DeFi jobs or task. Jobs/10 or jobs/4 technically in difficulty. Compare to welfare jobs + eBay.

5. DroneDek's Smart Mailbox

Futureloop 8/3/2022 4:47 PM

The world's first smart mailbox is ready for drone deliveries
by Jack Daleo
Wedenesday, August 3, 2020

Terrorism proof! Sensors inside to detect explosives, biohazards. Alerts users and emergency authorities. Entered code, key, keypad, fob or their own cell phone.

SFHG: Thank you for reading. Editing on my spare time!