Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Gift for George Floyd's Family from "The Economic MLK" (June 2020)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic and financial advisors. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method or resource will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

SFHG Update

My neighborhood and I have been talking about changing my title to The Economic MLK. SF Hologram Guy sounds like outdated, primitive technology.

Yea! Jake the snake moved out! No more 24hr attacks from him! Unfortunately that leaves Moron Marcus, and toilet DCS attackers Crazy Clarance, Jerk Jerome, and I don't know who's attacking from KFC/Taco Bell up the street. At least Airhead Antonio is attacking less. They keep announcing themselves with DCS holographic words probably because they're afraid of my antidrug tech which I only use when DCS attacks are too intense or the dumbest drug dealers yell out loud.


This section contains an additional 3 economic methods for a total of 141. An economic method makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. The George Floyd 138B Economic Method

The Economic MLK

My condolences to George Floyd's family: Mother Roxie and daughter Gianna. His murder on May 25 in Minneapolis is a nightmare!

I hope economic methods 140 and 141 make life easier for you.

Start when you're young!
Angel Invest $800 worth of stock in a good tech startup
REINVEST dividends, etc. in the tech stock
= $138 billion (if the company was Apple) when elderly

Just wait for the stock to grow. Buying more of the stock or Dollar Cost Averaging may not be necessary. Time is necessary for the capital gains to grow.

Tip: Place trust fund notice (to make sure $800 grows to at least $100 million) in a birthday or greeting card for Gianna. Term-life policy may also help.

Where do you find a good tech startup?

Try George Gilder (#1 futurist) advertisements, if they're still on YouTube. I can't reveal his information. If you have enough money, join his Millionaire's Circle for pre-IPO opportunities; otherwise enjoy his reports and text messages.

Please consider asking people not to riot. Sue instead and ask for donations from businesses. Use winnings to Angel Invest or buy stock in a good tech startup and start The George Floyd Foundation. $138B or even 1/10 of that goes a long way! Also, ask the police to Angel Invest $800 in a good tech startup for future community programs. Police are necessary. You may bump into a nut one day.


Angel Investing
Venture Capital Investing

15 Examples of Millionaire Math
Published on May 24, 2020

15:36 Item 12. Own 10% of a company valued at $10 million.
16:24 Story of Ronald Wayne, 3rd co-founder of Apple who sold is 10% share of Apple for $800.

Clark Kegley 15

2 YouTube videos African Americans or anyone can use to increase passive income.


Warren Buffet's son 200 million

How WarrenBuffet's son spent the $90,000 of Berkshire stock he got at 19 - worth $200 million now: 'I don't regret it.'
Published Thu, May 7, 2020 1:11 PM EDT
Updated Fri, May 8, 2020 1:19 PM EDT
Minda Zetlin, Contributor

Smartphone Millionaire by Ericka S. Williams
Copyright 2018 Ericka S. Williams
How to Invest in Businesses
Ch. 8, Pages 62 - 63

If you're poor: Try non-accredited Angel Investing with ($10 minimum) or Wefunder ($100 minimum).

Return on Investment is really high if you select the right startup with the help of an investment leader (or syndicate). ROI is so high because 90% of startups fail but so what! You'll only lose a little if you make the investment small.

2. Help pre-IPOs as a commodity

Click on an arch or arches of an M1 finance needs pie (which doesn't exist yet) and click Invest button.

Vetting the list of startups is necessary.

3. Pension Time Bomb Solution

Invest in items below for a second pension foundation or safety net.

Good for retirement and funding businesses' overhead.

Small Thorium Reactors
Free or low-cost water from Reliable One Resources and Skysource
Low-cost oil from Reverse Photosynthesis

4. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update


coronavirus vaccine candidates

World Health Organization
2 June 2020

Draft landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines
27 May 2020

10 candidate vaccines in clinical evaluation
115 candidate vaccines in pre-clinical evaluation

Intel and Money Club Tool Chest

"Make a gigantic breakthrough in the vaccine...for the coronavirus."

"Make the vaccine for the coronavirus a lot more advanced."

5. Helping the Other Distributors and Drug Dealers


The other distributors and drug dealers didn't DCS attack me and yelled at the neighborhood to stop attacking. We go through a lot of money material. I filter through 4,200+ mostly money YouTube videos I viewed.

I came across Back Market Company (smartphones, laptops, electronics, etc.) on ABC7NEWS. A more convenient place to get more information is YouTube. You can also Google: Back Market Company Reviews.

It sounds like Back Market Company has great customer service. The worst that can happen is returning units a few times until you get a good one.

Angel Investing

We're currently talking about and Wefunder mostly to leverage the extremely high ROI so the other distributors and drug dealers can skip selling.

SFHG - The Economic MLK

Thank you for reading! Busy with Charlie's ZipTraderU course! I got a 10% discount by clicking on the little triangle and scrolling down a little on a J Bravo or Bill Stenzel video. See you next time!