Friday, March 13, 2020

Innovatively Fixing the Coronavirus Stock Market, REIT Card Drones for Combating Drugs and Poverty, Gerrymandering Solution for Democrats, Water Technologies with a Future, and Helping the Other Distributors and Drug Dealers (March 2020)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice and resources with economic and financial advisors. SFHG and associates do not know if a method or resource will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

SFHG Update:

Currently dealing with DCS attacks from 24 hour attackers who are also announcing themselves via gigantic DCS holographic words or in voice:

Jerk Jim 1
Jerk Jim 2
Airhead Antonio

The nuts come by to complain about the minimized drug boycott at least once a day. I heard someone published my address on social media which = a murder attempt or terrorist threat.

3+ other, good drug dealers, intel agents and informants in my neighborhood are helping me.

Intel & Money Club Tool Chest and White Ops Resources in use:

$21 million+ method per good distributor, drug dealer, intel agent, and informer. That's $100 per day profit (from eBay) at 8% compound interest over 50 years.

A life insurance policy may help. Get advice.

"Filter bad drug dealer": DCS command. Just think it and use DCS holograms.


Clark Kegley millionaire
How to Become a Millionaire with $10 a Day
Clark Kegley
Published May 6, 2018

9:10 How to get 8% return/year? 4 ways

Clark Kegley 15
2 YouTube videos. Total of 15 passive income ideas.


This section contains an additional 2 economic methods for a total of 138. An economic method makes a lot of money or saves a lot of trouble.

1. Innovatively Fixing the Coronavirus Stock Market

The Democratic Party Portfolio will eventually skyrocket the stock market after the coronavirus vaccine is found.

Cherry pick illustrations from the DEM portfolio on YouTube to propose to (moderate) GOP!

At least 20 coronavirus vaccines are in development
Small Thorium unit powered cargo vessels
Free or low-cost water from Reliable One Resources and Skysource
Reverse photosynthesis for cheap oil
Peace Exchange which sells Retroactive Life Policies funded by IAAC soil houses
Fund the United Nations with plastic (bottles)
Coal to rare earths

Show your leadership in a time of crisis!

Show you have a better way!

Unlimited Overhead Support using the above technologies!

2. REIT Card Drones for Combating Drugs and Poverty

AI drone flies up to homeless person and ask if they are homeless and if they want a REIT card, etc. SMILE! Drone snaps a picture for facial recognition and blockchain. Prints out the card.

REIT card front: REIT, MasterCard logo, card#, and picture of homeless person.

REIT card back has one or more of the following:

College Loan Payer
Spendthrift Fund
$1K IAAC soil house
$4K manufactured print-a-house
$10K regular print-a-house

Verizon or other company Instabiz Card idea:

Go to Verizon Store to ask for a Instabiz Card for the Homeless and say you want to activate services. Sales person swipes your Instabiz REIT card, gives you a good phone which displays an additional 3 buttons (and place the phone against a city power pole to charge its capacitor):


To set up Google facial recognition and blockchain virtual address.

Homeless Business?

To set up Google business information. The $3,000 per month minimum income from this REIT card will pay for your website.

Career Ideas: consultant (Guidepost of $20 each to show people around YouTube to Unsolvables of $1+ million for extremely difficult problems)

Educating Yourself: iTunesU, Skillshare, Teachable, Udemy, etc. on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Holidays.

Homeless Invest:

Maybe a separate app is better here. Select below.

AI Invest for me
AI Exponential Tech Invest
Manually Invest

3. Gerrymandering Solution for the Democrats

There are currently 7 items to propose to (moderate) GOP members so far. Two or three are required to show you have the right stuff or leadership prowess. 

Poster of a cargo vessel with words "small Thorium" on it.

Illustration of Hamas-Israeli Peace Exchange which sells Retroactive Life Policies funded by IAAC print-a-house rents and Skysource Water Technology described in #4 below.

Say vote for DEMS!

Show GOP your portfolio of posters and illustrations.

Teach the GOP by showing something innovative and that you can build economic infrastructure and get things done!

4. Water Technologies with a Future

Ekocenters are solar-powered shipping containers that provide remote, low-income communities with safe drinking water, internet access, nonperishables (like mosquito repellant), first-aid supplies, and, of course, Coca-Cola products for sale.

High-tech nanotechnology-infused desalination plants, medium-tech solar powered groundwater pumps, and low-tech fog capture methods.

Bill Gates-backed Omni-Processor which turns human feces into potable drinking water while simultaneously producing electricity for power, and ash for fertilizer.

CA-based Skysource, winner of $1.5 million Water Abundance XPRIZE whose technology extracts two thousand liters of water per day from the atmosphere -- or enough for two hundred people.

Relying on renewable energy for it's drinkable water output, Skysource achieves it's daily production at a cost of no more than 2 cents per liter.

Daily water needs for 7 billion is between 350 and 400 million gallons a day. Skysource can tap the more than 12 quadrillion gallons contained in the atmosphere at any one time.

"Smart grid for water" allows for everything from precise soil monitoring and crop watering to early detection of insects and disease. Estimates vary, but most studies find smart grid capable of saving us trillions of gallons a year.

5. Helping the Other Distributors and Drug Dealers

Terry Dean's

The 1st video gives you an introductory. Don't skip it!

Gillian Perkins' Startup Society

ZipTraderU is currently $399. Access the stock market!

Enroll during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and holidays!

You need a website to sell consultations! Guidepost for $20 to Unsolvables for $1+ million.

A life insurance policy may help. Get advice.


When I was first getting started, the #1 question was...
February 23, 20200, 6:10 AM
From: Miles Beckler

6. White Ops Listing on a Peace Exchange

Intel agencies trade and collaborate to make life easier for the people.

7. Virtual Assistants vs. Poverty

VAs work on infrastructure that make people's lives better, add the experience to their resume or website, and get paid!

8. AI Antigun Drones

This is a taser drone used only when the suspect brandishes a weapon.

SFHG: From the Intel & Money Club Tool Chest, this is Drone #5 of 13.

SFHG: Thank you for reading! Hopefully, I made your future a lot better!