Thursday, September 24, 2020

COVAXX Coronavirus Vaccine, 5 Designer Black Rights,, Gift #4 for the Police (Positively Ends or Changes Drug Dealing), ClickFunnels for Israel-Palestine, The Peace Triangle China - Russia - USA and Peace Coin, and The Golden Democratic Party Portfolio (October 2020)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial advisors, and/or medical professionals. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method or resource will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

SFHG Update

I'm handling at least 4 drug dealers a day. Most encounters end with a pretty good money method. A handful end with the defecation, flatulence, and/or urination DCS attacks! Unfortunately, I need a significant amount of money to relocate and many of the conveniences would disappear.

Yes! I'm working on the escape money!

24 hour DCS attackers sometimes make billboard-sized DCS holographic drug support announcements out their windows.

Thank G-d the other distributors, drug dealers, and neighbors are helping me!

SFHG Movin' On Up!

Audience: BLM, MS-13, Nortenos, Surenos, Yakuza, White Community, Distributors, Police, and Religious in my neighborhood.

The Root of All Good is Money! You can do much more good with money than without it!

Special thanks to BLM and MS-13 for stopping DCS attacks on me!

A generous reader said Wefunder (who also does Angel Investing for the Poor) has zillion dollar companies!

We'll be switching from 100,000% ROI to >2,000,000% ROI!

I found this in an Raging Bull ALL-ACCESS e-mail. Find the Next "Unicorn" Here at 2 PM ET Today, September 28, 2020, 4:22 AM:

Startup         Angel Returns         Turns $1,000

Pinterest      583,000%                 $5,800,000

Uber              1,599,800%              $16,000,000

AirBnB          2,066,600%              $20,700,000

The above are if you invested in them when they just started up.

Not sure if the above examples are from Wefunder. No time to research.

Remember to sell or cash in when the syndicate (investment) leader recommends an exit!

Extra Gift from The Intel & Money Club Tool Chest

Anti-poverty Business Card
Side 2: Light bulb!
Side 1: DJ Money coach + YouTube logo

Click on DJ Money's Free eBook link.


This section contains an additional 8 economic methods for a total of 149. An economic method makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. COVAXX Coronavirus Vaccine

At this time, it's about to be used in human clinical trials.

It has the following features or properties:

Does not require freezing in liquid nitrogen
No live virus (uses peptides)
A lot of antibodies produced
No mercury
High Immunogenicity in Elderly Patients

On the COVAXX web site scroll down to the 1st video, currently titled Virtual Press Conference for general information.

COVAXX web site > Scroll down to Our Vaccine Program > Click on Read More > Scroll down to Download: COVAXX Vaccine Fact Sheet. A medical or research background is necessary to understand it. This is just incase of link changes.


I'm wondering if this vaccine will work on other coronaviruses due to neutralizing titers. Multitope Peptide-Based Vaccine.

2. 5 Designer Black Rights

COVAXX Coronavirus Vaccine, if it works
Day Rates (Sarah Masci) vs. Wages
Bitcoin or Decentralized Cryptocurrency (check out Weiss Crypto Ratings)

Unlimited Overhead from

Small Thorium Reactors (SMRs)
Real Free(dom) Water from Reliable One Resources and Skysource
Low-cost Oil from Reverse Photosynthesis

The above produce a more stable civil rights movement and if asked business donations instead of smashing in their windows.

YouTube AD slogan: CASH MATTERS!

Positively + Profitably vs. Violently

3. is angel investing for the poor and middle class.

Example: $10 x 100,000% = ROI

The interest rate is so high because startups (pre-IPO) are risky, so higher reward.

Invest in a dozen or so startups with the help of a counselor and syndicate (investment) leader. One of the dozen startups could be the 100,000% company.

Watch for an e-mail or text message that recommends when to sell, then CASH IN!


One of my readers said it takes about 10 years to become a millionaire.

Separately, it takes about 50 years to become a billionaire, if the pre-IPO was Apple Computers.


Republic Review (<10 Min.)
Republic Tutorial (<15 min.)


4. Weiss Ratings and Weiss Crypto Ratings

Certain bonds, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Stocks, etc. can weather depressions, pandemics, recessions better.

Google Weiss Ratings. Click on their AD and watch the video.

5. Online Career Resources for the Other Distributors and Drug Dealers


Thanks for your help and tolerating the boycotts each night! I'll try to replace your income. Currently talking about a Squarespace Website and NEW TikTok for consultations.

How do I plan to fund entrepreneurial activities?

By recommending a marijuana tax.


Birthday card - + 5 types of eBay stores

Day Rates vs. Wages - Sarah Masci
Example: $12,000/mo. vs. $12/hr. for your consultation or service

Chandler Bolt's Online Book Publishing and Writing Course

Robert Kiyosaki's Newsletter Subscription - look for masterminds link on drop down menu

Yaro Starak's Blog Profits Blueprint

Charlie's ZipTraderU Course

Extra Items

Robert Kiyosaki's The Lazy Way To Invest in Real Estate

Tim Schmoyer's 30 Days to a Better YouTube Channel

6. Jacob Blake Riot Solutions and Ideas

Catastrophic Health Insurance + Inter Vivos Life Insurance Policy funded by IAAC Print-a-house rents.

Throw a Rock Cash Options App


A suicide prevention bundle may be possible if funded by IAAC Print-a-house rents. Be sure to vote YES on Proposition 14 to improve stem cell technology.

7. Israeli-Palestinian Security Tweet

White Ops or allied tech advantage.

ClickFunnels + Israeli-Palestinian Peace Commodities cheaply.

Money back guarantee + holding period for Xprizes. Trading Platform via smartphone.

#PeaceExchange Item Number, Title and Description.

8. Watson or AI Money App + DJ Money

You can learn a lot about financial traps in life as well as opportunities from DJ Money.

Click on DJ Money's Free eBook link.


1st college credit card
Student loan
New car loan and credit
1st house loan
Tax opportunities

DJ Money helps companies as well.


DJ Money coach
dj the money coach


Ericka Williams + DJ Money

Why You Need a Home Based Business and How to Start! with Dr. Lynn Richardson
His And Her Money
Streamed live on May 1, 2020

Building Generational Wealth Through a Home Based Business
His And Her Money
Streamed live on Jul 10, 2020

9. The Peace Triangle China - Russia - USA and Peace Coin


I'm the founder of The Intel and Money Club which is a garage startup white ops agency or experiment.

Why should you listen to me?

I have 300 peak IQ + theta trance. It's mostly Creative Intelligence (CQ). I want to gift you my 2 Doomsday Clock Reversal Methods so you don't blast yourselves.

Recommended Fee: Cost of 1 extra ICBM

General Secretary Xi Jinping Networth $1.51 billion
President Vladimir Putin Networth $19.7 billion

Recommended Fee: Do not be afraid to contract with your governments for a super great service: Skipping the need for living in bomb shelters for your peoples. Getting paid the cost of 2 extra ICBMs.

Doomsday Clock Reversal Method #2

Military Peace Coin idea: You can spend this cryptocurrency anywhere. It's blockchain, so you'll want to buy things such as expensive and effective consultations that are necessary to increase the peace to war ratio. For example, you can cancel building or dismantle any unnecessary weapons. Divert extra funds to your equivalent of Peace Corps. Peace Technology R&D. Smartphone with Xprizes App for white ops solutions.

Quantum AI Peace Algorithm idea: Helps you search for peace options. You'll have to develop it. Meanwhile, you'll have to wait for my blog updates. Hopefully, I have time to cover the intractable problem.

Quantum AI Peace Algorithm Peace-Safety Solution Examples

Increase safety by building more efficient hypersonic interceptors
Quantum AI Peace Algorithm + human talent (like Futureloop)
Sotheby's Peace Pie (Peace as a commodity on an exchange)

Military Peace Coin Economy + video games with military peace activity simulations. Come up with excellent ideas and products for peace commodities and you get paid in peace coin.

Increase your equivalent of Peace Corps. fleet & technology.

Establish "YouTube" national peace benchmark videos.

Doomsday Clock Reversal Method #1

Cancel building or dismantle any unnecessary weapons by diverting funds to domestic and foreign peace technologies to increase safety. Money is locked into the peace technology's infrastructure and cannot be spent or converted easily to dangerous weapons.

Doomsday Clock Reversal Methods also exponentially increase GDP.

Minimal use of force and only if necessary is highly desirable! Help instead of hurt whenever possible!

10. The Golden Democratic Party Portfolio


This is an updated version of the Democratic Party Portfolio in Innovatively Fixing the Coronavirus Stock Market, my March 13, 2020 post. This is for DEMS and moderate GOP.

My apologies for this being the last item. I know it's an election year. The request came in late.

Cherry pick illustrations from The Golden Democratic Party Portfolio to propose to moderate GOP!

Small Thorium Unit or Small Modular Reactor (SMR) powered cargo vessel with COVAXX Coronavirus Vaccine (if it works) on one of the cargo containers.

Free(dom) or low-cost water from Reliable One Resources and Skysource.

Reverse photosynthesis for cheap oil.

Peace Exchange which sells Retroactive Life Insurance Policies funded by IAAC soil houses.

Fund the United Nations with plastic (bottles).

Coal to rare earths

The 1st 3 items give you Unlimited Overhead!

Show your innovation in a time of crisis!


Thank you for reading! I hope your life is improved with the opportunities above. Editing on my spare time.