This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.
Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, The Economic MLK do not know if a method mentioned will work for your situation, and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.
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SFHG Update
Why some sellers should skip DCS attacking. It's the depression, tents on the street, not the boycott that's causing the drop in profits.
Drug income - distributor cut = How much you're actually getting. The amount is usually so small, DCS attacking is not worth it.
Most of the sellers are getting their money from Gallery item 7b below, just above item 8.
My neighbors counted 8. I counted 4 DCS attacking drug dealers or sellers coming in to my neighborhood to complain. The assassins are either very few or not coming in at all. I spoke with them via DCS hologram, speaking attack, and found out they got my information at least 90% incorrect.
Here's some of my correct information:
SFHG = .org approximately to
1. Drug dealers
2. African Americans
3. Poor people
4. Poor in technology
5. The Homeless
7+ Streams of income offered come from
Weiss Ratings
Crypto Superyield Summit (Weiss Ratings - Liquidity Provider)
Larry Benedict
Jeff Brown - Brownstone Research
Jeff Clark Trader
Nomi Prins
Crypto Mining
Just join their e-mail lists.
Accomplishments/Former drug dealers
French chicken stocker + choice of wine every 2 weeks distributor.
Mercedes-Benz drug dealer (Warned him to be frugal with his money. There are depression tents lined up along some streets).
$400K drug dealer.
Thanks to President Vladimir Putin for sharing info about the 24 hour DCS attackers with local authorities. They were announcing themselves (murder statements) on Market Street. They got my information wrong.
Gifts for President Putin and other officials are below.
This section contains 6 additional economic methods for a total of 183. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.
1. Doomsday Clock Reversal Method #7
GOP Toy Store (Item #1)
Reverse Doomsday Clock Plush Toy
Wind it up to reverse 5 minutes!
Tip: Give the finest, smartest ideas to powerful people at the right time. Make their lives easier. Example: Development zone for the medicine in #3 below instead of a launching pad for missiles. Higher talent = more options.
2. Disrupt War - Get Rich!
3x energy for China, Russia, and USA to help with climate change.
In exchange lock away war for 1000 years to defeat climate change.
65 cents per BARREL oil (Ask JP Morgan for company name)
Trapped Energy (YouTube search)
Nuclear Diamond Battery - NDB (YouTube search)
Liquid Energy Electrolyte, 5 cents per pound
flow batteries, redox flow batteries for grid storage.
(Google: Nomi Prins Liquid Energy)
Stock Gumshoe
By Travis Johnson
Stock Gumshoe
October 6, 2022
Air Fountain - Water from air (Air Fountain John Gilmore)
Universal Income Crypto Card (Cryptobot card - AI liquidity provider)
Infinity Coil, pre-built:
3. Medicine for 6000 Genetic Diseases
Dylan Jovine (btm - Behind the Markets)
Cut & Paste The Small Company Revolutionizing Medicine
Repealing President Trump's Executive Order 13,771 was a mistake. Amend?
Google: cut & paste disease from your body
4. Nuclear Diamond Battery AI Cargo Drone
for supply chain problems.
5. Positive Economic Games vs. War Games
6. Inverse Progroms (DeFi, DeGov)
Funds Arab and Jewish Communities.
If Inverse Programs existed in the past, this would fund German and Jewish Communities.
7. Economic District Attorney
DeFi Yield Farmer Jobs for inmates, so they can pay back their victims. Example: Term-life policy for manslaughter or murder in exchange for a shorter sentence.
SFHG Update
Please ignore most of the info in #8 below. Ran into a bad source. Everything except the tip paragraphs is incorrect.
If you purchased, then e-mail or phone Weiss Ratings for a refund. My apologies!
Weiss Ratings > Courses (at the top) > DeFi MasterClass > 2.8 DeFi Yield Farming. All enrollment in DeFi Revolution is closed and there is a waiting list.
Note the many income methods from crypto DeFi. DeFi Yield Farming is only one of them.
What to do next:
After using YouTube to learn about setting up the Ledger Nano X (for beginners), centralized, decentralized exchanges, DeFi Yield Farming information may be necessary to take advantage of the huge percentage rates. Hopefully that's the right area.
High yields also occur occasionally, so have a low capacity. All the drug dealers cannot benefit. I suggest investing in the following:
Global Token Exchange Technology (YouTube search: GTE Technology)
Medicine for 6,000 Genetic Diseases (Google: cut & paste disease from your body)
Banana Protein Vaccine (Google and YouTube search: H84T-BanLec)
For the $79 million, Google: Weiss Ratings The Next Bitcoins. DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE! Info is 18 months old. Will look for the current version.
If you are super poor, try a Coinbase Wallet instead of a cold wallet.
Google or YouTube search:
Coinbase Wallet
Can a Coinbase Wallet be used on Uniswap?
How to connect Coinbase Wallet to Aave
What is Yield Farming?
(Make sure the collateral switch is in the ON position.)
Top 10 Decentralized Exchanges?
How do I get cash out of a Coinbase Wallet?
CoinGecko has ratings for top centralized and decentralized exchanges: CoinGecko > Exchanges (3 bars upper left corner on smartphone) > Crypto Exchanges (centralized) or Decentralized Exchanges.
Remember! Use YouTube + for beginners tutorial!
Here's 2 ideas to make up for the inconvenience:
Unlimited Water Source
Nuclear diamond battery that powers a light that shines on solar panels powering graphene desalination plant.
Daily Convergence Update 12/07/2022
European scientist are developing [Americium] nuclear waste batteries for use in space.
Black Wall Street's Back!
AR/VR Digital Exchange vs. Physical Exchange
Fire-, murder-, and vandalism proof!
AI Granny (African American) teaches white supremacist crypto DeFi!
Again please ignore most of the info in #8 below. Ran into a bad source. Everything except the tip paragraphs is incorrect.
8. Crypto-DeFi, Fintech Jumbotron in the Tenderloin
Example: 1 gummy bear per day vs. Fentanyl upon doctor's recommendation.
Get off the drugs. You have to fill in online form for Liquidity Provider job.
Crypto Superyield Summit
In the order form area select $59 premium or $39 digital option
Scroll down and also click on
One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series...$14.95
Liquidity Provider is in section 3, videos 1 to 3
Tip: YouTube search Ledger Nano X Tutorial (or for beginners) to save you $50 fee for support. Separately, the 1 TB version is the Ledger Nano X. Ignore the 2 MB Amazon listings. eBay is cheaper but for security purposes buy new/factory sealed.
YouTube search: Seed Phrase for Beginners. View more than 1 video to cover Private Key, Public Address, etc.
Provide liquidity of $5,000 maximum = $50,000 back in 45 days or 1,000%
If borrower defaults, you get approximately $10,000 collateral for this example.
If you miss collection, penalty is 1/3 or 33% of $50,000 = $16,666. You get
$50,000 - $16,666 = $33,333 paid to you.
Tip: After due diligence on the prospective fund, choosing to provide liquidity for a minimum of $200 to $500 may be a good deal. The interest paid back to you may be sky high! If the company defaults, at least you get collateral.
Job/10 in difficulty compared to difficult welfare + eBay jobs.
Takes less than 6 hours to learn.
Notebook necessary!
Currently reading about H84T-BanLec in stage 1 & 2 (animal test). Google: Banana Protein Vaccine for more info. It's a universal vaccine for all coronaviruses, flu viruses, and maybe some cancers. Broad-spectrum antiviral activity against several RNA viruses.
H84T-BanLec has broad spectrum antiviral activity against human herpesviruses in cells, skin, and mice
M G Lloyd et al. Sci Rep. 2022
Nature Journal
H84T-BanLec has broad spectrum antiviral activity against human herpesviruses in cells, skin, and mice
M. G. Lloyd, D. Liu,...J.F. Moffat
Thank you for reading! Editing on my spare time.