Saturday, February 20, 2021

GOP! Meet Innovation Coin!; A Gift for Elon Musk; Manufacturable COVAXX Coronavirus Vaccine Update and Advancements; Helping the Other Drug Dealers and Distributors; Inmate and Victim Profit Plan for District Attorney Chesa Boudin and SFPD Chief William Scott (March 2021)

This is a hobby blog. It's objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Plesase check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

SFHG Update

Other than the inconvenience and lack of money, I bumped into a few other problems trying to relocate.

The distributors don't like the bad sellers announcing themselves with billboard-sized DCS messages and DCS attacking their new money and opportunity source. ME!

Bad sellers yelling their drug complaints is also a problem.

eBay > selling drugs as you will see in GALLERY item #4 below.


This section contains an additional 3 economic methods for a total of 155. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. GOP! Meet Innovation Coin!

Formerly Drug Coin, Innovation Coin (light bulb on 1 side) + Welfare System.

Expands job definition to $0/High Value Jobs using Sotheby's A.I. Appraiser and Staff.

Smartphone: Sotheby's Welfare Solutions App

Select the intractable problem or type in the problem in the question box.

Next box: your solution and upload file area

Click Submit.

Sotheby's A.I. Appraiser and Staff vet everything.

Click on the App later > Winners button to be reimbursed in Innovation Coin.

Turn on NFC, tap to POS scanner to pay for your "Lambo!"

Smart people select Create a job (for a lot of people)!

2. A Gift for Elon Musk

Thanks so much for the $100 million Gigaton Scale Carbon Removal X prize helping everybody survive climate change! WOW!

Here's a gift for your generosity.

A superconductivity "secret."

SFHG: Please do not contact Elon Musk. I hear he already received the superconductivity secret via very nice readers of this blog. I caught the solution binge watching YouTube.

Place together 2 sheets of graphene. Rotate 1 sheet 1.1 degrees relative to the other sheet.

You get superconductivity!

Usage example: Tap a superconducting smartphone against a power pole or outlet. Charges up really fast! Ready for Unlimited Online Education!


graphene superconductivity

New Graphene Discovery May Unlock Super Conductivity Secrets (Jun 2019)
Subject Zero Science
Jun 18, 2019

3. Manufacturable COVAXX Coronavirus Vaccine Update and Advancements

COVAXX Coronavirus Vaccine is manufacturable.

Scaled to 1 billion doses a year by the end of 2021.

Herd immunity sooner.

In Phase 2/3 clinical trials.

Rapid Adaptation to Mutation by swaping target epitopes and amino acid sequences with relative ease.

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of UBI SARS-CoV-2 ELISA Antibody Test for COVID-19

COVAXX has announced receipt of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for it's COVID-19 antibody test, UBI SARS-CoV-2 ELISA.

The test is highly valued in it's ability to efficiently identify individuals with an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 indicating recent or prior infection, as well as monitor antibody levels from deployment of vaccines.

COVAXX Announces Early Design and Testing of New Vaccine Candidate to Address Mutations in SARS-CoV-2

Google > click on 2 horizontal bars on upper right for menu > pipeline

4. Helping the Other Drug Dealers and Distributors

Here's a sample of cash methods we talk about.

sf hologram guy
155 Economic Methods
5000 Mostly Money YouTube Videos Viewed
The Economic MLK

$40 to $300 extra per month (need confirmation for amounts) saved for or Wefunder
Republic or Wefunder Review AND Tutorial (YouTube search, approx. 15 minutes) has startups, crypto currency, real estate, and video games.

Wefunder has zillion dollar startups.

At $107,000 compounded (automatically) convert to common stock.

How do you know which stocks to pick?

Ask customer service for advice.
Follow syndicate (investment) leader.
Copy a billionaire (who's building the country).
The Motley Fool
Weiss Ratings
Weiss Crypto Ratings


DJ Money Coach (+ Black Friday)
free eBook
1st credit card, car, house, small business, retirement, estate,etc.

BlockFi offers 8.6% APR

eBay > press DEALS to see what's on sale
An online service can give you sales metrics.

$200 million method
Google Warren Buffett's son
CNBC article

$138 billion method
Replace Berkshire Hathaway Stock with Apple pre-IPO Stock and hold (example only).

El Chapo's networth is only $3 billion!

Selling drugs isn't worth much for the average person.
eBay $ > selling drug $
Scaling Digital Businesses

TikTok for 15 seconds
= example 30,000 subscribers

Yaro Starak's Blog Profits Blue Print

Dr. Lynn Richardson
Home-based business to a 4-year cirriculum for entrepreneurship.

Term-life Insurance

San Francisco's Universal Healthcare

Split test Arab science helps helluv people and Jewish science helps helluv people.

Samsung S7 4G LTE $100 eBay
Samsung S8 5G $120 eBay
Use charging pad and update operating system fully.

Use stimulus checks wisely!

5. Inmate and Victim Profit Plan Idea for District Attorney Chesa Boudin and SFPD Chief William Scott

Plenty Unlimited Inc. + Jail Economy

Fuse Plenty Unlimited Inc. with County Jail = Jail-industrial complex problem solved!

Inmates and SF City rented bots and citizens sell produce and meals using Uber Eats, etc.

Generates money for inmates and victims via retroactive life and property policies.

Normally invest profits in starter real estate (print-a-house + Pallet House) but due to COVID-19 you could try digital businesses or presence.

Check Weiss Ratings or Motley Fool for depression, pandemic, and recession investment ideas.

SFHG: That's it for now. Editing on my spare time! Have a good one!