Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Helping Israel and the Palestinian State/Territories June 2017

Economy methods fans! Skip SFHG's status update below and scroll down to Gallery to help Israelis, Palestinians and read about his latest discoveries.

SFHG Status:

I can't remember if it was after midnight this time!

The doofus drug dealers across the street can't speak about my gigantic boycott drugs DCS holograms or talk to each other, but can DCS attack, phone the police and UP to 30 KGO810AM and of course f-word me!

I'm not sure which one of these dumbest drug dealers phone the police with helluv edited version of DCS holographic Garfield in a frock using Sailor Moon's Wand to move the moon toward the Earth, moon sprouting arms and hitting CA for excessive f-words.

The drug dealers skipped saying frock, Garfield, moon wand and used the word BOMB instead which means they helluv lied and mouthed a hoax!

The first responder across the street skipped frock, Garfield but did mention moon wand and threatening them with an act of terrorism:  moon socking CA!

I'm wondering what both the drug dealers and the first responder are smoking!  I can't believe they actually even thought any of it was real at all! A journalist who goes to the cafe down the street said they're dumb.


SFHG has about 69 super economy methods of 80+.  Example of a regular economy or financial method:  Intervivos Revocable Living Trust which he heard about from Len Tillem many years ago.

1.  Israel's Great Smart Wall

Using an 8th wonder of the world to reduce or stop a great war and profit both sides.

The Smart Drone Wall blocks Qassam Rockets and has ambassador functions.

Palestinian woman has a Smart Wall App which she downloaded via drone that she got her free phone & tablet from.

Smart Drone Wall Video examples:

  • General advertisements
  • Intro to Smart Wall
  • Nanci Danison on YouTube - NDE, came back with % of G-d's memory
  • Untwist Islam in 30 Seconds - various styles of educating people because everyone has different sets of information
  • What to do about settlements - Helpful drone delivery business in Abbas' territory of course. Post banner:  Israeli flag + .biz + Palestinian flag + bitcoin or ether(eum) for you banner.  

Click on Smart Wall App > .biz-, forum-, Antiterrorism Club- and fund me buttons show up:

  • .biz - sells water devices & aeroponics technology
  • forum - click your flag, state your problem or solution, get responses
  • Antiterrorism Club - club video + 4 button security solution: fund, complaints, stop funding and talented (present box with apartment & car keys, caduceus, etc. pops up)
  • Fund Me - The start up cost of 1 fighter jet isn't designed to fund everyone, so use GoFundMe or carefully choose other crowdfunding site + upgrade to 4 button security solution + World funding button (.com, .gov, org) to a mosque or church for smartphones, tablets for uploading content (music, advice, classes, discoveries, etc.)
Drones stop rockets, ambassador function starts up businesses to support the Smart Drone Wall Market Place and increase antiterrorism activities, including options vs. poverty.

2.  Palestinian Billboard

Click on your flag > select a grand challenge on listed on billboard > type in your answer > submit button.

Wait 1 month for your star rating and collect prize in bitcoins or ether(eum) button to light up.

3.  Yozma

Israel's incubation of business and technology start-ups economy method!
  1.  You start a tech co. by investing $N. Israeli government invest a  large % x $N.

     If successful, you can repay the government principal + interest buy  your company back.

     If not successful, government will swallow the loss and replace the  lost money via next taxes.

  2.  Profitable immigration model:

     Immigrants may have business, income and tech connections with  the country they  emigrated from. They're also more entrepreneurial  and may have skills to adapt and  build wealth with.

  3.  Business and tech cos fuse with Universities to educate the  workforce and continue  R&D that they will need.
Sources of financing:

Athena Venture Partners: 1985, Israel's First Venture Capital Fund investing in risky stage tech companies where commercial organizations adverse

OSC-Office of the Chief Scientist Matching Grants, BIRD-Binational Industrial R&D, Tech Incubators, 1993 Government Investment Company Yozma 1-1/2 to 1 Match, Seed Funds 1 to 1 Match.

Benjamin Netanyahu Reforms:  phasing out government bonds to push cash elsewhere, allow performance fees, military algorithms to model macroeconomic trends.

YouTube references:

visualpolitik en israel startup
How Did ISRAEL Become The Country of START-UPS?
Visual Politik EN
May 1, 2017

10 Yozma
Kenneth Hanson
Published 2015

Israel's startup success story
January 22, 2015

4.  Improve Aeroponics a Little More

This is for feeding the world and changing negative images.

5.  Israel Feeds Africa (Muslims)

Use aeroponics.

This will create for Israel tons of goodwill among Muslims vs. plain old hatred.

It's evil that does not belong in the middle east, not the Jews.

6.  The Shelter and Indiegogo

Buy internet and equipment for the shelter.

Upload client advice, classes, discoveries, music, etc. via shelter app and web site.

7.  FBI!  Ask E.T.s for their most powerful economy methods!

Use a % of the profits to fund WHITE OPS and defund BLACK OPS.

8.  Justin  Bryant's Income Videos on YouTube

Justin Bryant's adding about 1 income video per day and has 385 as of this writing.

Go to his videos if you speak English and need income.

Samples to type in YouTube's Search Box:

  • 14 free music
  • 8 work from home job sites
  • Justin Bryant 8 - 8 work at home jobs that won't be replaced by tech, 8 apps that pay you PayPal money for free in 2017
  • Justin Bryant Amazon
  • Justin Bryant Facebook
  • Justin Bryant without working
  • Justin Bryant college

SFHG:  Am really busy this summer.  Will edit whenever possible! Thanks for using Twitter Bombs to help me fend off super dumb drug DCS attackers.