Monday, September 14, 2015

Autumn Economy Notes 2015

SFHG update:  Hopefully, Supervisor Scott Wiener and, according to SFHG's network, Mayor Ed Lee know about SFHG now.  Still waiting for the $50 to $100 citation for handling dream chemical spray attacks.

Thanks, Tim Cook and Apple!  "The future of TV is apps."

Check out SFHG's economy apps below.

Modify & mail to make them a reality!


1.  Dream Jobs vs. Iranian GOVT 4 ISIL
Click on the ISIL changer app.  30 second YouTube video that changes ISIL members pops up.

Left:  Imam:  How to change ISIL and get your family member back.
Floating labels on big cash bag: Grassroots + giant up arrow (for tremendous increase) transitioning to Gifted Moderate Muslims.

Middle:  Potential ISIL member with machine gun and his wallet held out.

Right:  Floating words Iranian GOVT with vacuum cleaner sucking in entire wallet.

(We'll get to handling complex issues in a moment.)

ISIL member walks to the left.  Imam opens cash bag revealing giant water bottle with number 5 label and clock or giant watch gears representing 5 water devices.

ISIL member rips off mask and dumps machine gun in recycle bin.  Imam hands him bottle of water and lots of cash.

Tremendous increase in grassroots (coalition) replaces military action by Iranian GOVT. ISIL member keeps his money and profits via (water) grassroots opportunities with Moderate Muslims and the state.

Huge expansion in grassroots and innovative investments via unlimited water device profits = lots of (skyrocketing) dream jobs (vs. regular dead end jobs).

2.   Starbucks' 10 cents for Geniuses

Inexpensive and fun way to help your nation.  Charge an extra 10 cents per cup of coffee.

Proceeds go to choices of apartments, car, medical insurance, term-life (mostly) policy, special needs trust, etc.

The associated Starbucks' Puzzle site ask can you improve the economy? Examples 1 & 2 are trillion dollar inspirations to the entrant.  Text box with submit and get paid button are below.

3.  Affording a term-life policy (in the Bay Area)
Safeway and Walgreens cards and coupons, PG&E-, AT&T lifeline and water company discount programs.  Consider going to the 99 cents store and a smartphone to cell phone change to save even more money.

Sign up and use money saved to pay for term-life (mostly) policy.

Consider paying an advisor or broker to save money and time in the long-term.

4.  TV Economy Apps introduction, (home, business, school, military, etc), DrugSmart, ISIL changer.

5.  Imam & Pope vs. Job Monster
Cartoon strip or YouTube video.

Job monster wreaks havoc on civilization!

Imam & Pope team up to confront job monster.

Imam reads list of 6 water devices:  Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier, Water FX's Aqua4,  UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet,  SimpleWater's ECAR System, EcoVolt and F CUBED Carocell & ZLD technologies.

(Solar Cells Will be Made Obsolete by 3D Rectenna.  Peter Diamandis' 10/2/15 blog post, Abundance Insider: October 2 Edition, Spotted by Marissa Brassfield.

Google:  water nanopores.  University of Illinois possible low-cost, efficient way to purify seawater, better solution to energy usage and fouling problems with desalination.  Peter Diamandis' 11/20/15 blog post, Abundance Insider Nov. 20 Edition, Nanopores Simplify and Supercharge Desalination. Spotted by Greg O'Brien.  Scientist develop 'nanopores' that inexpensively filter the salt out of seawater by Peter Dockrill.  Improvement to technologies above.)

Job monster is doused by rain clouds.

His Holiness The Pope reads description of Google Startups or Pages:

Type in your city, state.  Google map of (new) businesses appear: A, B, C, etc.

Message bubble appears:  business logo, location, contact;  Total Hiring # and Products & Services, Dream Jobs # links.

Click on hiring #:  Easy, Moderate and Difficult pop up.  Job titles to left and # of available jobs to the right.

Job monster is hit by multiple lightning strikes and goes down!  Imam and Pope save a couple of billion people!

Advanced Water Devices and Facilities Sources:Google:  10 Companies Making Big Waves in Water Innovation | GreenBiz
Abundance the  Book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler for Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier
ABC7NEWS for UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet SimpleWater's ECAR System
USA Today for WaterFX's Aqua4 Technology, 
Abundance the Book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler for Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier, ABC7NEWS for UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet and SimpleWater's ECAR System, USA Today for WaterFX's Aqua4 Technology, Franca Sozzani on Water for F CUBED Carocell & ZLD technologies.

6.  Dream Job Access and Volume
Add a dream jobs link to the message bubble in Google Startups or -Pages:
  • Company logo + contact information
  • Hiring# or Total Jobs Available
  • Products & Services
  • Dream Jobs# or Total Dream Jobs Available
Use job data to create dream jobs volume chart.

Click on Google Map of Startups or businesses for city name entered to get message bubble.

7.  Method of getting all the laid off writers back to work

Blogger Evolution + Ads, buy and donate buttons.
Section A:  Write your sales pitch!
Section B:  Write your blog post!
Section C:  Advertising, refund policy.  Google gets an "eBay" tiered fee.
Section D:  Link buy and/or donate button to bank account or PayPal.
Section E:  Link to Google Analytics and Accounting.

Your optional sales pitch appears 1st + buy button or blog post + donate button followed by advertising.

Consider a download button for your art, lecture, music and podcast.