Sunday, December 20, 2015

Economy Methods Notes January 2016

SFHG:  I hear Supervisor Scott Wiener is hurrying legislation for dream chemical spray attacks.  5 symptoms:  flu, cold, confusion, loss of energy and itching mostly. Moved 4x. Solution is $50 to $100 citation for the dumbest drug dealers.  The f-worders are helluv irritating.  To fend off the dumbest drug dealers and f-worders, I'm lying about having weapons. DCS is like 1/20 mace.

3 antiterrorism/peace apps and Google Startups or Pages are below, starting with gallery item #2.  You'll have to do a little digging into my Economy Notes- and Anti-Poverty Sheets blog posts to find all items in list below:

  • U.N. World Peace App
  • ISIL Changer
  • Facebook Can of Worms App
  • Google Startups or Pages
  • Liquid NanoClay from Desert Control, a Norwegian Startup
  • Reverse Photosynthesis from University of Copenhagen for ending oil wars
Thanks to everyone, all the way up to President Obama, who are concerned about me and to the majority of drug dealers who blasted the minority of corrupt drug dealers with dream chemical spray:
  • Venti- and Grande Term-Life Policies for the Other Drug Dealers Methods is gallery item #7.
Prize-Winning Tech Turns Deserts Into Farmland; Liquid NanoClay from Desert Control, a Norwegian startup; Abundance Insider January 29, 2016 Edition, spotted by Paul Heiss

Liquid NanoClay description from, product link, Prize-Winning Tech Turns Deserts Into Farmland; Liquid NanoClay from Desert Control, a Norwegian startup; Abundance Insider January 29, 2016 Edition, spotted by Paul Heiss

Reverse Photosynthesis:  Energy Source of the Future?;  Abundance Insider:  April 15, 2016 Edition, spotted by Jens Krabbe

'Reverse Photosynthesis' promises to be the energy source of the future;, April 4,2016 by Paul Hamaker


1. Helping the other drug dealers

This entry assist drug dealers who didn't attack SFHG with dream chemical spray.

Lightbulb on envelope!  Words unlimited funding below .org address.


List of 7 water devices + 3D rectenna power source

  • Liquid NanoClay:  sandy desert soil into fertile arable land
  • Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier
  • WaterFX's Aqua4
  • UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet
  • EcoVolt
  • F CUBED Carocell & ZLD technologies
  • water electroshock desalination
  • water nanopores
  • SimpleWater's ECAR System
  • 3D rectenna power source
$1 > bottle of water with label of word "devices" + invest > $Unlimited
Scale with cash bag + bottle of water on left and package of "drugs" on right
House with word BOOM on back (housing boom)
Manufacturing + Magnet
Cornucopia with Central Valley! Viva! on back
Picket fence with Border Problem/Opportunity on back

The goal is an $1 billion or advanced water devices bill, mutual fund, ETF, water bond via Amazon.

SFHG:  I hear India plans to sell securities via Amazon and other venues. Get on the legislation bandwagon now!  Probably picked up the Amazon idea via my super nice network and this blog (Economy Super Methods Notes 2015, gallery item #1, Amazon Investments App).

Get the art supplies out!  Start mailing!  Save California and the World!

Advanced Water Devices and Facilities Sources:

Prize-Winning Tech Turns Deserts Into Farmland; Liquid NanoClay from Desert Control, a Norwegian startup; Abundance Insider January 29, 2016 Edition, spotted by Paul Heiss

Google:  10 Companies Making Big Waves in Water Innovation | GreenBiz

Abundance the  Book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler for Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier

ABC7NEWS for UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet and SimpleWater's ECAR System
USA Today for WaterFX's Aqua4 Technology

Franca Sozzani on Water for F CUBED Carocell & ZLD technologies

Solar Cells Will be Made Obsolete by 3D Rectenna.  Peter Diamandis' 10/2/15 blog post, Abundance Insider: October 2 Edition, Spotted by Marissa Brassfield.
Google: water electroshock desalination.  This Filter-Free Water Desalination Relies on Electrical Shockwaves.  Peter Diamandis' 11/27/15 blog post, Abundance Insider:  November 27 Edition, Spotted by Marissa Brassfield.
Google:  water nanopores.  University of Illinois possible low-cost, efficient way to purify seawater, better solution to energy usage and fouling problems with desalination.  Peter Diamandis' 11/20/15 blog post, Abundance Insider Nov. 20 Edition, Nanopores Simplify and Supercharge Desalination. Spotted by Greg O'Brien.

Scientist develop 'nanopores' that inexpensively filter the salt out of seawater by Peter Dockrill.

2. Facebook Can of Worms App

This is 1 of 3 international problem solving apps. The other 2 are U.N. World Peace App and ISIL changer.  1 of the Can of Worms App's capabilities is bulletproofing Moderate Muslims.


Click on Facebook Can of Worms App icon.

Click Financial- or Emotional Problems or both. (Add your own categories.)

Set privacy setting:  Low, medium or high

Textbox:  Describe your cash and/or emotional problem.

Seperate submit and get reviews buttons.

After clicking submit,  come back 1 month later and click on get reviews button.

Get Reviews:

Teddy bear, Class: Avatar, 5 stars, big system answer

(Clicking on the Teddy bear will bring you to the individuals qualifications & experience page:  awards won, job application safely and seperate donate and fee buttons.)

Sharky, Professional, 2 stars, web site suggestion

Hamid, Professional, 4 stars:  family resources vs. big oil; unlimited funding via water devices + investments; Moderate Muslim; permanent antiterrorism advice.

Hamid has his own security settings for bulletproofing.

3. Preventing drone collisions

Due to massive complaints about drones, add safety chips to all drones and planes.

4. The $1 Economy

May this economy method help India smash poverty, Israel and Palestinian State or -Territories build (upwards vs. outwards) infrastructure for peace.

Amazon & other venues sell securities + crowdfund of survival.

$1 investment button for utility patents and crowdfund of survival, so people can access the $1 Economy easily.

So, Exponential Technology Penny Stock Fund or -ETF.

(SFHG's network says you can add to the revenue generated by blending and diversifying.)

$1 = Helluv dollars in profits down the line when the new industry blossoms.

Modify & Mail:  Government officials!  Create a bill for Amazon & other venues allowing them to sell securities for poverty smashing, peace enhancing effect!  Remember to invest in Exponential Technologies for Total Employment and Total Freedom for your peoples. Maybe they'll spend their time in R&D after a 30 second "anti-laziness" video.

5.  Recipe for Tremendous Increase in Jail Programs & Victim's Bundles


7 water devices (from #1 above)
Farm produce
Juices & other foods
Food Bank 2 (sales via app)


Use water from 7 water devices (from #1 above) to revitalize central valley. Significant proceeds to Food Bank 2 and for tremendous increase in jail programs and victim's bundles.

Reduces crime & violence.  Mirror this recipe in the community.

Additional Ideas:

Expand Vita Water with juices and food items to create a future market (Economy Method vs. War).  Saw Vita Water's mission on ABC7NEWS.

Sell via Amazon:  $1 Utility Patents & Other Innovations penny stock for your future technology.

% to term-life policies for inmates & victims, RIAs.

3D YouTube College & Labs funded by selling 2D videos.

Local Talk, Read & Sing (STEM) babysitting facility.

Designer Purposes in Life web site.  5 minute "anti-laziness" videos included.

CYA juices, smoothies and foods.

6.  Chip & Lock All Guns

Apology to SF Sheriff's Dept. for gigantic argument.  A former drug dealer was using automatic lie or -answer holograms which fooled me. Also, some idiot phoned in NOVA Star "Bomb" + SFHG instead of NOVA Star Safety Field (too difficult, so I trashed yet another idea) on the Ronn Owens Program which sucked up a week of my time while I tried to figure out what was going on and rectify things.  The holograms of powerful weapons I use to fend off the dumbest drug dealers and f-worders are 3 types:  magical, sci-fi and Sailor Moon (aka not real).  Holograms of conventional weapons will not work on f-worders. Garfield, Peanuts and pie cannons are what I use a majority of the time.  I never use the word bomb.  It's irresponsible.  Thanks to everyone who helped me!  1/28/16.

Gift to Sheriff's Dept.:  Chip & Lock All Guns.  On a laptop, pull up all guns in selected location.  Click on specific gun to pull its ID and data, then click on lock or unlock button.

7.  Venti Term-Life Policy for the Other Drug Dealers

This plan is for the drug dealers who didn't attack SFHG with dream chemical spray and who attacked or diverted the small percentage of corrupt or dumb drug dealers (who call SFHG a walking target).

The boycott is for attacking SFHG and others with dream chemical spray (cf. 1/20 mace) and forcing us to move, not for drugs.

Venti Term-Life Policy Recipe

Invest in water devices (from item #1 above):  Church & Mosque Asking Stage
Invest in Central Valley: Farm Stage (water devices for revitalization)
Invest in Tech:  Tech Stage (SFHG is a subscriber to Abundance Insider blog -- lots of new working technologies to cherry pick)

Small % of proceeds to Venti Term-Life Policy for Drug Dealers.  There's only so many drug dealers.

Note:  There's already a "Grande" Term-Life Policy Method below (Autumn Economy Notes 2015, item #3, Affording a term-life policy in the Bay Area) and is repeated here as a recipe for your convience.

Grande Term-Life Policy Recipe

Safeway- & Walgreens Cards and Coupons
AT&T- and PG&E Lifeline Programs
Smartphone to Cell Phone change over
Shop at 99 cent stores.

There's also water department discount but it's inconvient and may not apply to renters.

Savings to Grande Term-Life Policy.

8.  Additional Tax on Alcohol

Additional tax to liquor!  Investment to Google cars!  Jobs created!

9.  Untwist Islam on YouTube

Added word REFORM on holographic filmstrip to instructions. Not intended to create a fatwa against the Taliban but to REFORM Taliban with Islam. You want allies and friends, not someone to fight with.

30 seconds on YouTube:

Untwist Islam title appears!

State the problem or error.

State how Allah or G-d would handle it fairly.  Explain ayahs (verses) and suras (chapters).

A half sheet is also good for this purpose.  Recommend adding a water device, food source and medical service location on back + "We care about you!"

10.  Anti-stabbing Video

30 seconds video

No knife sign appears

Your new future

  • Liquid NanoClay
  • 7+ water devices (from #1 above)
  • Google Startups or Pages
With Israeli help and votes (Israeli flag appears)

Smartphone appears with 3 buttons

  • Fund (liberals, moderates, Moderate Muslims)
  • Complaints
  • Stop Funding
To make it less expensive for Arabs and Israelis, enter amount affordable and click on Arab Fund or U.N. Fund buttons.

What to sell?

Saffron, Xango?  Cornucopia?  Plenty of water and arable land!

Palestinian flag appears + future.

No knife sign appears.

11.  CO2- and Pollution Reducing Devices
SFHG's small collection of Abundance Insider's CO2- and pollution reducing devices as of 4/29/16.
  • Project Kaalink:  Cleaning the environment by converting air pollution to printer ink
  • Solar Panel Produces Hydrogen Gas:  "Hydrogen gas can also reduce CO2 on a large scale and convert it into useful substances."
  • Reverse Photosynthesis:  reduces CO2 output for petroleum products production
  • Liquid NanoClay:  lowers surface temperature around 15 degrees celsius and reduces CO2 emissions by 15 to 25 tons per hectare
  • Carbon Capturing Motors:  may reduce CO2 levels in oceans
  • Solar Thermal Electrochemical Photo (STEP) Carbon Capture Process:  takes CO2 from the air and converts it to carbon nanofibers and oxygen
  • Smog Free Tower:  converts smog into gemstones
  • Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuel One-Step Process:  CO2 and water converted to hydrocarbon fuel using a combination of high-intensity light, concentrated heat and high pressure
  • Row-bot:  changes polluted water into CO2 and electricity
  • 3D Rectenna:  40% broadspectrum efficiency, 1/10 the cost of conventional solar cells, upper limit of 90% efficiency for single wavelength conversion
  • CREE:  $8 LED light bulb, last 27 years
  • SunPort:  power your gadget with solar power; purchases solar microcredits through non-profit reChoice which handles renewable energy credits and helps build new solar panels
  • Perovskite Solar Cells:  recoup their energy cost within 3 months but MORE R&D NEEDED ON DURABILITY, LIFESPAN AND PHOTOSTABILITY
Printer Ink From Pollution:  Abundance Insider April 29, 2016 Edition, spotted by Rajat Gupta
Solar Panel Produces Hydrogen Gas:  Abundance Insider April 22, 2016 Edition, spotted by Koen Lenssens
A bit of chemisrty on your roof:  solar panel produces hydrogen gas; April 18, 2016; KU Leuven University; Originally written for Campuskrant by IIse Federickx, translated by Katrien Bolen

Reverse Photosynthesis:  Energy Source of the Future?;  Abundance Insider:  April 15, 2016 Edition, spotted by Jens Krabbe
'Reverse Photosynthesis' promises to be the energy source of the future;, April 4, 2016 by Paul HamakerLiquid NanoClay description from, product link, Prize-Winning Tech Turns Deserts Into Farmland; Liquid NanoClay from Desert Control, a Norwegian startup; Abundance Insider January 29, 2016 Edition, spotted by Paul Heiss
These Self-Propelled Microscopic Carbon-Capturing May Reduce Carbon-Dioxide Levels in Oceans: Abundance Insider October 2, 2015 Edition spotted by Peter Diamandis
STEP Carbon Capture Process: Researchers Pluck Carbon From The Sky, Turn it into Diamonds spotted by Marissa Brassfield, Abundance Insider August 28, 2015 Edition
The Largest Air Purifier Ever Built Sucks Up Smog and Turns it Into 
Gemstones, Abundance Insider September 11,2015 Edition spotted by Marissa Brassfield
One-Step Process Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Clean Fuel and Oxygen, Abundance Insider February 26, 2016 Edition spotted by Gerry Wawzonek
Liquid hydrocarbon fuel created from CO2 and water in breakthrough one-step process by Colin Jeffrey, February 23, 2016,
This Swimming Robot is Powered by Pollution, Abundance Insider November 20, 2015 Edition spotted by Marissa Brassfield
Solar Cells Will be made Obsolete by 3D Rectenna Abundance Insider October 2, 2015 Edition spotted by Marissa brassfield
Solar Cells Will be Made Obsolete by 3D Rectennas aiming at 40-to-90% Efficiency, September 29, 2015,
Cree Introduces New $8 LED Light Bulb That Last 27 Years, Abundance Insider, September 25, 2015 Edition spotted by Marissa Brassfield
This Outlet Adapter Lets You Run All Your Gadgets On Solar Power, Abundance Insider July 31, 2015 Edition spotted by Marissa Brassfield
Study Claims Perovskite Solar Cells Can Recoup Their Energy Cost Within 3 Months, Abundance Insider August 7, 2015 spotted by Tom Strom-Wedege
Thin film perovskite solar cell passes the efficiency test,
 by Matthew Gunther,, October 29, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Autumn Economy Notes 2015

SFHG update:  Hopefully, Supervisor Scott Wiener and, according to SFHG's network, Mayor Ed Lee know about SFHG now.  Still waiting for the $50 to $100 citation for handling dream chemical spray attacks.

Thanks, Tim Cook and Apple!  "The future of TV is apps."

Check out SFHG's economy apps below.

Modify & mail to make them a reality!


1.  Dream Jobs vs. Iranian GOVT 4 ISIL
Click on the ISIL changer app.  30 second YouTube video that changes ISIL members pops up.

Left:  Imam:  How to change ISIL and get your family member back.
Floating labels on big cash bag: Grassroots + giant up arrow (for tremendous increase) transitioning to Gifted Moderate Muslims.

Middle:  Potential ISIL member with machine gun and his wallet held out.

Right:  Floating words Iranian GOVT with vacuum cleaner sucking in entire wallet.

(We'll get to handling complex issues in a moment.)

ISIL member walks to the left.  Imam opens cash bag revealing giant water bottle with number 5 label and clock or giant watch gears representing 5 water devices.

ISIL member rips off mask and dumps machine gun in recycle bin.  Imam hands him bottle of water and lots of cash.

Tremendous increase in grassroots (coalition) replaces military action by Iranian GOVT. ISIL member keeps his money and profits via (water) grassroots opportunities with Moderate Muslims and the state.

Huge expansion in grassroots and innovative investments via unlimited water device profits = lots of (skyrocketing) dream jobs (vs. regular dead end jobs).

2.   Starbucks' 10 cents for Geniuses

Inexpensive and fun way to help your nation.  Charge an extra 10 cents per cup of coffee.

Proceeds go to choices of apartments, car, medical insurance, term-life (mostly) policy, special needs trust, etc.

The associated Starbucks' Puzzle site ask can you improve the economy? Examples 1 & 2 are trillion dollar inspirations to the entrant.  Text box with submit and get paid button are below.

3.  Affording a term-life policy (in the Bay Area)
Safeway and Walgreens cards and coupons, PG&E-, AT&T lifeline and water company discount programs.  Consider going to the 99 cents store and a smartphone to cell phone change to save even more money.

Sign up and use money saved to pay for term-life (mostly) policy.

Consider paying an advisor or broker to save money and time in the long-term.

4.  TV Economy Apps introduction, (home, business, school, military, etc), DrugSmart, ISIL changer.

5.  Imam & Pope vs. Job Monster
Cartoon strip or YouTube video.

Job monster wreaks havoc on civilization!

Imam & Pope team up to confront job monster.

Imam reads list of 6 water devices:  Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier, Water FX's Aqua4,  UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet,  SimpleWater's ECAR System, EcoVolt and F CUBED Carocell & ZLD technologies.

(Solar Cells Will be Made Obsolete by 3D Rectenna.  Peter Diamandis' 10/2/15 blog post, Abundance Insider: October 2 Edition, Spotted by Marissa Brassfield.

Google:  water nanopores.  University of Illinois possible low-cost, efficient way to purify seawater, better solution to energy usage and fouling problems with desalination.  Peter Diamandis' 11/20/15 blog post, Abundance Insider Nov. 20 Edition, Nanopores Simplify and Supercharge Desalination. Spotted by Greg O'Brien.  Scientist develop 'nanopores' that inexpensively filter the salt out of seawater by Peter Dockrill.  Improvement to technologies above.)

Job monster is doused by rain clouds.

His Holiness The Pope reads description of Google Startups or Pages:

Type in your city, state.  Google map of (new) businesses appear: A, B, C, etc.

Message bubble appears:  business logo, location, contact;  Total Hiring # and Products & Services, Dream Jobs # links.

Click on hiring #:  Easy, Moderate and Difficult pop up.  Job titles to left and # of available jobs to the right.

Job monster is hit by multiple lightning strikes and goes down!  Imam and Pope save a couple of billion people!

Advanced Water Devices and Facilities Sources:Google:  10 Companies Making Big Waves in Water Innovation | GreenBiz
Abundance the  Book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler for Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier
ABC7NEWS for UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet SimpleWater's ECAR System
USA Today for WaterFX's Aqua4 Technology, 
Abundance the Book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler for Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier, ABC7NEWS for UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet and SimpleWater's ECAR System, USA Today for WaterFX's Aqua4 Technology, Franca Sozzani on Water for F CUBED Carocell & ZLD technologies.

6.  Dream Job Access and Volume
Add a dream jobs link to the message bubble in Google Startups or -Pages:
  • Company logo + contact information
  • Hiring# or Total Jobs Available
  • Products & Services
  • Dream Jobs# or Total Dream Jobs Available
Use job data to create dream jobs volume chart.

Click on Google Map of Startups or businesses for city name entered to get message bubble.

7.  Method of getting all the laid off writers back to work

Blogger Evolution + Ads, buy and donate buttons.
Section A:  Write your sales pitch!
Section B:  Write your blog post!
Section C:  Advertising, refund policy.  Google gets an "eBay" tiered fee.
Section D:  Link buy and/or donate button to bank account or PayPal.
Section E:  Link to Google Analytics and Accounting.

Your optional sales pitch appears 1st + buy button or blog post + donate button followed by advertising.

Consider a download button for your art, lecture, music and podcast.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Economy Super Methods Notes 2015

This 2015 update is for non-attacking drug dealers and economy method fans.  Scroll down to Gallery or #1 to see new or updated economy ideas. Modify and mail them.

San Francisco Hologram Guy Update

Because SFHG boycotted drugs in 1995 with giant dream chemical holograms, he is still under dream chemical attack from the dumbest neighborhood drug dealers who can't speak to each other in voice about psychic powers.  Holographic negotiations still ineffective. SFHG's network says the media, other non-attacking drug dealers and business community may be reporting negatively on the dumbest drug dealers.  Too bad attacking drug dealers are trying murder attempts with mental psychic powers versus legendary astral powers: HA HA HA HA HA.  SFHG's suffering 5 symptoms mostly:  loss of energy, confusion, itching, flu and cold.  There are a lot more symptoms on the 1996 Survey of Symptoms in this blog's archive, but attack intensity depends on dream chemical concentration.

SFHG often lies to attacking drug dealers and f-worders (really mean hologramers and voicers) about having weapons to fend them off.


#1  Amazon Investments App

Economy Super Method 26 of 48.

Click on the Investments App.  Listed are check boxes for Municipal Bonds for Advanced Water Devices and Facilities, and DrugSmart Fund.  1st one is self-explanatory. DrugSmart invests in $ 0.99 video games, other apps, term-life policies and Food Bank 2 on Anti-Poverty Sheet 2.  Proceeds go to Advanced Water Devices and Facilities Fund. Jobs and some profits go back to the community.

Advanced Water Devices and Facilities Sources:Google:  10 Companies Making Big Waves in Water Innovation | GreenBiz
Abundance the  Book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler for Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water Purifier
ABC7NEWS for UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet SimpleWater's ECAR System
USA Today for WaterFX's Aqua4 Technology
Abundance the  Book by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler for Dean Kamen's Slingshot Water PurifierABC7NEWS for UC Berkeley's Seafloor Carpet SimpleWater's ECAR SystemUSA Today for WaterFX's Aqua4 Technology

#8 on Anti-Poverty Sheet 2:  Water Devices 1/2 Sheet for Officials

#2  3D YouTube College + Water Devices

Economy Super Method 23 or 48.

SFHG's network says YouTube is planning to sell videos from the public.  Finally!  After 2 years of asking!  Invest proceeds in Advanced Water Devices and Facilities, and YouTube College Instruction Videos.  Profits go to R&D 3D projector computer with standard 3D glasses.  Produce and sell 3D YouTube videos.  Fund Municipal Bonds for Advanced Water Devices and Facilities at universities.  Make water locations a manufacturing magnet.  Boost the economy!

#3  Automated & Robotic Help for Community and Economy

Economy Super Method 24 or 48 Update.

Seesaw!  Robot left, worker right.  Robot outweighs worker taking his job.  Enter .gov & .org buying stock in the company.  Weight of cash bags & plans on worker's side, now. Robot assistant smiles and slides down to worker's side.

Give the population as many free tools as possible to support themselves.  Raises quality of life, reduces insurance cost and increases likelyhood of new technologies.

As for laziness, a handful for 5 minute anti-laziness how-to YouTube videos may work. Title examples:  Purpose in life #1, Advanced Water Devices & Facilities; #2  4 & 6 hour work days; #3  Universal Healthcare;  #4  Insurance Bundle;  #5 Vertical Farms.  Add adequate prizes and awards for not being lazy.

Help with which companies will may be successful.  The following are on YouTube:

What Matters Most in Startup Success (Bill Gross):  5 most important factors in startup success.  The meat starts at 5 minutes 40 seconds or skip to the chart at 8 minutes 17 seconds.

What Bill Gross of Idealab learned from his failures in starting 100 companies:  Talks about your Team (EPAI). That's your Entreprenuer, Producer, Admin and Integrator.  The meat starts at 9 minutes 40 seconds. At 11 minutes Bill Gross elaborates on EPAI.

#4  Babysitters Talk, Read and Sing Gift Card

Economy 24 of 48 Update.

MasterCard Gift Card with ellipsis, book, music note and STEM on it.For babies age 1 to 3, add an average of 22K words.  # of CEOs more likely to increase which means # of jobs go up, breaks in the glass ceiling, reduction in importance of race and crime, better race relations.

Upgrade nurseries for a more educated workforce and better economy.

Sources:  Saw Hillary Clinton promoting Talk, Read, Sing on YouTube.  Also, barely caught Talk, Read, Sing on KGO810AM.

#5  United Nations' World Peace App

Economy Super Method 2 of 48 Update.

Save war money.

Click UNWPA icon. Select For Land or For Lives Lost during conflict.  Select Payor country (example: Israel).  Select Payee country (example:  Palestinian Territories).  Yes, you can send goods to registered users with profiles.  Select goods to send.  For Land Lost, you may select buy or donate to Great Land Purchase/Sharing Fund.  For Lives Lost select anything from donate for a new hospital to a simple box of bandages.  Aggregate receipts appear to tabs on the right:  Israel has paid a total of $N;  Palestinian Territories has paid a total of $N;  World Community (other countries) contributed a total of $N for sharing the land, water resources, etc.

When receipts equal total damages, you may convert to U.N. World Anti-Poverty App.

Abuse:  Just suspend user profile until investigation is complete.

What about torture?  Use criminal courts.

Fewer attackers:  1 by 1.

Use your imagination.  Add a non-military technology share button for allies or friendly nations.

#6  Twitter Upgrade

140 + word bubble containing ellipsis.  Apps tab on right side.

Click on ellipsis example:   The rest of your message appears.  A photo of a protest banner with a schematic of your solution appears.  Readers may click on prize ribbon.  The vetting button appears with enough clicks.  Press it and your idea will be considered for a prize.

Click on apps tab example:  Protest-Solution Art App and artist directory banners appear. Ad or ad-free with premium.

#7  United Nations' Helpbots

Recent improved battery technology make U.N. Helpbots possible.

A roaming phonebot can help during emergencies, for personal, business or recreation. Make a touchscreen selection or say phone, Skype, e-mail, Google or games.

Eventually, say U.N. Run from War App when the economy gets that good!

#8  Community Flexiband Computer

To highlight it's potential, SFHG stripped this flexible computer from The Jail Band Special Economic Zone on Anti-Poverty Sheet 2.

The Community Flexiband is a thin, flexible bracelet and -battery.  It prevents community problems by offering quick solutions via it's apps:

  • Amazon Food Bank or Food Bank 2:  Sliding scale for pantry products, tier-priced internet service, selectable % donation for full-priced item goes to pantry programs.
  • Amazon Investments:  DrugSmart Fund invests in $0.99 games and apps, Advanced Water Devices Mutual Fund, Food Bank 2 and term-life policies.
  • Big Help App:  From Anti-Poverty Sheet 2, 12 award winning economy and financial methods videos.
  • Purposes in Life App:  5 minute how-to or goal videos for combating laziness and giving hope. Goals included are 4 & 6 hour work days, Universal Healthcare, Universal Insurance, Advanced Water Devices, Vertical Farm Subsidies, Rent Subsidies, Free College via commodity sales.
  • Team App: Collaborate with important people in your life, equivalent of your Entreprenuer, Producer, Admin and Integrator (Bill Gross Video)

#9  Community Helpbot

Your 24 hour roving neighborhood helper:

Sliding scale internet, phone, beacon, 3D lecturer and 24 hour live help.