Monday, February 19, 2024

FiBox Update; Unified Field Theory to Close the Gates of Hell (March 2024)

Blog Post 46

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, The Economic MLK, do not know if methods given will work for your situation, and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

Disclosure: SFHG DeFi and Exponential Technology Blog is linked to Google Analytics and Blogger has its own Analytics. Your information is not sold or used in any way except for counting the number of visits to this site or its pages. Click away from this site if you do not want to be tracked in any way.

SFHG Update

Busy, busy, busy and extremely irritated at the Bull Mask Drug Dealers DCS attacks and obvious, loud murder attempts!

402 Bull Mask Drug Dealers, 380 of whom I converted to Angel Drug Dealers by giving them FiBox and other expensive info, came over to assassinate me! Some nut tweeted I destroyed their marijuana crop. Also, I'm the founder of the Intel & Money Club, so I withdrew or stole attacker info. They're from New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, New England, Ireland, United Kingdom, 1 from Malaysia, and 2 from Sumatra.

I had to handle 402 dangerous drug dealers! My 2 psychic abilities are far from the magical powers needed to destroy their entire drug crop wherever-it-is! For example, my powers do not work on plants! Try zapping a leaf with fire, lasers, photon torpedos, etc. No effect!

Whoever would have thought the nuts would tweet for months on end! The false info or hoax cost the sellers up to $1600 each! Don't they have a conscience!?!

It's conspiracy to murder because they shared sensitive info in tweets against me! I wonder why the hell they had to tweet my medical stats!

The nuts kept tweeting about my temporal lottery method so much, the Chinese told them not to tweet anymore Floppery Methods!

The Bull Mask Drug Dealers are still DCS attacking me after 29 years! Often announce themselves on Market St. The neighbors can't tweet complaints due to Twitter-X minor fees. Reports to the police are time consuming and embarrassing! Can't talk about psychic powers! 9-1-1 doesn't appreciate hamburger calls from the drug dealers. I'm busy with chores part of the day! The nuts use DCS for automatic lying and try to kill you with low-level psychic powers.

3/26/2024 Update

The number of incoming drug dealers topped off at 557, since I've been using new automatic attack detection method. This means the Bull Mask Drug Dealers have been fooling me since at least Tuesday, April 18, 2023. They've been using automatic answering and attacks since 1994 or 1995.

There were NOT 557 drug dealers who flew over to complain that SFHG destroyed their drug crop, but 557 automatic answers and 20 hit with defecation and urination DCS attacks for DCS attacking SFHG.

I'm not sure how many new friends I have of the 557: Angel Suit Drug Dealer Converts, the poor, and the poor in technology.

The Bull Mask Drug Dealers used the DCS and low-level psychic powers for 24 hour lying and attacking. It was so irritating, people move out of long-term homes and a handful had to go to the hospital. The nuts tried to kill us with DCS and low-level psychic powers.

I think I'll hit them with 2 black- and 2 white swans, crush their networks, for fooling me for that long!

Not sure what's happening with the media the nuts must have continued lying to or brainwashing for the last couple of years.


Anticrime Method 103
Slow-chip vs. Getaway Car

Anticrime Method 104
Americum Nuclear Diamond Battery, Solar, Xyleco vs. Crime

Anticrime Method 110
Anticrime memecoin and altcoin funded by DeFi, Turbo Yield Accounts

Anticrime Method 66
District Attorney's Resources Letter to Gang Members
Example: Google & tweet Reno Homeless Campus; ABC7NEWS search Reno Homeless;  Example: Tweet & Text Future Measure - Unified Field Theory Altcoin, Unified Coin, pre-ICO
Yield Farming (loaning out your crypto): Uniswap v3 or AAVE


I'm also the drug dealers' new money guy! Skip selling in exchange for asymmetric investment methods! El Chapo = El Cheapo! Exit drugs rich instead!

380 of 402 new friends whom I gave FiBox info for helping me out! 8 types of defecation attacks were necessary because low-level psychic attacks were so irritating! The nuts didn't stop attacking from 3 blocks away!

Praise the Lord for District Attorney Brooke Jenkins! Fined them $250 each for at least 1 hour of psychic attacks!

The stuff is made of 2 things: Dream Chemical Spray (DCS) for teaching a lot of people via images and irritating low-energy psychic attacks.

I had to hit the nuts with 3 Black Swan Attacks and "Slow Chip vs. Getaway Car"!

My Life Normally!

Tweeted some of my 
184 economic methods and following stats to APEC - San Francisco.

300 IQ and theta wave creativity
184 Economic Methods on SF Hologram Guy Blog
109 Anticrime Methods scattered throughout my sketchbooks
61 Antipoverty Methods in my current 2 sketchbooks
13 Doomsday Clock Reversal Methods: 9 on blog, 4 in sketchbooks.
Handful of Religious Secrets: Next Level Soul Podcast + Why is life so difficult; John of New, The Bible was Edited; Multicolored Jesus

I'm = .org for all the drug dealers and 8 other constituents. Only difference is I give out a lot of money! Didn't feel like filling out the 1/2 inch of IRS paperwork! The Bling or Angel, former drug dealers actually went outside at some weird hours to get the Bull Mask Sellers to stop DCS attacking me! So I wiped out thier poverty with asymmetric investments in Gallery Section below. Not getting paid!

5-1/2 years trying to solve Israeli & Palestinian problems! Peace Exchange! 8 keys to the Peace Exchange! Inverse Progroms, Inverse Life Policy, 25x Life Policy. Unfortunately, I don't speak Arabic or Hebrew. My grandmother is fluent in Arabic!


This section contains 1 additional economic method for a total of 185. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble. Note the asymmetric financial methods!

1. Financial Recipes Filebox or FiBox Update

Still helping the other drug dealers!

Google or YouTube Search

Best meme coins to buy in 2024

Best crypto to buy in 2024

Google advice on how many and how much you should buy.

If you try pre-ICO recommendations and service with Teeka Tiwari, Juan Villaverde of Weiss Ratings, etc., also check a 3rd party ratings service like Stock Gumshoe for their opinion on service offered. Google: Stock Gumshoe + Teeka Tiwari Crypto Picks for example.

Bing AI ChatGPT-4 or better

PNM, APS, PG&E, NV Energy discount programs

Dental Savings Plans (Suze Orman)

Eightify AI summarizes YouTube video

Book Recommendations

NFTs for Dummies (A friend said read 1/2 the book for a lifestyle like the rich and famous.)

Amazon Search

Own a Fraction, Earn a Fortune
Unlock the Vault

Google Search

Wealth Factory > Click on Books link

What would Billionaires do? ($4.95)

Budgeting Sucks ($2.95)

Keep clicking No if you don't want to purchase anything else. Separate purchase may be necessary to get discount.

Yield Farming (Loaning out your crypto)
Note: Still learning about Yield Farming, so double or triple check everything!

20 minutes of notes on YouTube
2 to 4 days to master
Easier than Welfare + eBay

$380 Intel Core i5 Computer (Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Amazon Prime Day, etc.)
Ecotank Printer or better

So far the drug dealers and I are looking at Google and YouTube Tutorials for

Uniswap v3 or better
AAVE, AAVE FAQs, AAVE Customer Service
Pancake Bunny Swap

Choose 1 platform only to save IRS tax audit headache.

Take screenshots of deposits, withdraws, ETH exchange rate, ETH amount, etc.

Update Security: Ledger Nano X, and Trezor before using due to hacks.


Top 10 DeFi Interest Rates in 2024

Find the Techopedia article.

Note: Coinbase: 693.80% APY

My friend says if fund drops below B- or lower rating, withdraw your crypto and deposit it in an A-rated account. Limit deposits to $20K per fund.

Remember to double or triple check info. People usually use DCS for lying. If you say the word psychic, prepare yourself for flying f-words!

Previous FiBox is below in Blog Post 45! More asymmetric investments. The Resources Section is right below The A lot of Money Section. Gallery item 1.

Future Ideas

Crypto Inverse Life Policy - Paid for by DeFi Account (Monthly)

Financial Drones - Antidepression, antisuicide

Quant Fund and Moonshots Portfolio Free on Google Finance AI

NFTs Life Policy

2. Unified Field Theory to Close the Gates of Hell

Or some powerful and fast lasers to counter the nukes would be nice!

Look at what I found!

How An Antigravity Drive Works with Dr. John Brandenburg (Episode 201)

Through A Glass Darkly Podcast

Sep 27, 2023

6 min - Poynting Vector. Poynting in the direction of Radiation Pressure that light propagates; Radiation pressure that works on poynting vector.

5:16 min - Radiometer example

7 min - Gravity

11:20 min - Chart of 3rd direction propagation

15:20 min - 5th Dimension, Hidden Dimension; Space-time minimum energy state, conservation = Gravity; Kaluza-Klein; General Relativity

16 min - Equals Einstein's Equations; Einstein-Hilbert Action Principle

18:20 min - XYZ x time x 5D 

25 min - Unified Field Theory

28 min - Gravity & EM relationship

33:50 min - GEM Unification Theory

34:56 min - GEM used to be unified, now 2 forces: Proton & electron & EM

G:E log = 42, Electron & Proton separation in mass

42.8503 = Square Root of Proton, Electron mass ratio

log mass/electric charge = 42

5th Dimension = Magnetism, Gravity, Proton separation from electron

35:20 min - Protons & Electrons split apart, 5th dimension appeared

39 min - Hydrogen expansion, light & gravity, EM alignment

40:42 min - Planck Scale 10^20, Grand Scale

42:42 min - Meso Scale, Middle Scale

43 min - Hidden dimension size, 1/1000 x Hydrogen atom

137 = Quantum Mechanics x EM

Wolfgang Polly added 6th dimension, EM x 6

47 min - 5th dimension

47:20 min - Gravity = Poynting Vector, Ball Bearing Experiment

49:10 min - Poynting Effect gives you effect that looks like gravity

Carbon balls experiment, 1/R^2 like gravity

49:18 min - EM & 4D = Gravity

EM & Gravity linked together = 5th Dimension

Proton & electron separation = 5th dimension

49:50 min - 5th Dimension Start = Start with Planck Scale, Quantum Mechanics

Meso Scale = Square Root of (Electron Mass x Proton Mass)

42 = log of square root of (electron x proton)

51:44 min - Big G = Gravity = 1:1K

55:05 min - Big G given, Mass of Proton given, Planck Mass, H= Planck Constant

57:57 min - Louis Witten, Gravitational collapse in general relativity theory
Edward Witten - String Theory, quantum gravity, supersymmetric quantum field theories
Brian Greene - M-Theory, Grandfather of Superstring Theory

1:00:00 min - Dr. John Brandenburg predicts particle 42 x Mass of Electron
EM, Poynting Vector


Warning: Beware of errors in item 2. Equations were from a podcast audio. I don't have software to render equations. There also could be errors in my notes. Recheck time index with Through A Glass Darkly Podcast (Episode 201) to confirm.

To view the Blog Archive for Blog Post 45 on a smartphone, scroll down to near bottom of this post. Click on View Web Version. Blog Archive will be on the upper right. Click on 2023. Only Blog Post 45 is listed there.

SFHG: Editing on my spare time. Thinking of Blog Post 47 material to help clear up religious and spiritual conflicts.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

FiBox Update; AntiFentanyl Flyer; Doomsday Clock Reversal Methods 8 & 9; Belt & Road Initative + Western Skyports; Yozma Microfactory; and Pikachu Detective Drone & Steph Curry (May 2023)

Blog Post 45

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, The Economic MLK, do not know if methods mentioned will work for your situation, and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

Disclosure: SFHG money and technology blog is linked to Google Analytics and Blogger has it's own Analytics. Your information is not sold or used in any way except for counting the number of visits to this site or its pages. Click away from this site if you do not want to be tracked in any way.

SFHG Update

My apologies to President Xi Jinping for listing him in the Gallery item 4 instead of 1. Currently dealing with doofus 24 hour DCS drug attackers or bull mask drug dealers when using the DCS Filter Command over an area. They're also withdrawing my infomation as DCS holograms which is espionage.

I hear District Attorney Brooke Jenkins is fining the mixed nuts $250 for DCS attacks and the FBI is charging the DCS holographic information stealers with espionage.


This section contains 1 additional economic method for a total of 184. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. FiBox Update (Financial Box)

The a lot of money section.

Weiss Ratings
Alpha Round Investing
Deal Hunters Alliance
Chris Graebe
Example: 777,000% growth pre-IPO

Billionaire's Reserve Market
Extreme Profit Hunters Newsletter
Shah Gilani

Weiss Ratings
The Next Bitcoins

Universal Vaccines
Banana Protein Vaccine (Stage 2) - BioNTech???  Please check the Pipeline on their website instead of phoning them. All coronaviruses, -flu viruses, other viruses, and some cancers.
6000 Genetic Diseases Vaccine - Dylan Jovine, Behind The Markets

Addimmune - pre-IPO is over, so worth a bit less. Hopefully IPO price is affordable. Still a good stock. Specializes in gene therapy HIV vaccine.

Nick Black AI

GTE technology - Global Token Exchange

Life-changing Books Section (for Commissary and Home) - Separate advertisement

How to Maximize Return in DeFi
Dr. Liew Voon Kiong
Amazon search: yield farming and liquidity mining
Remember to set collateral switch to ON!

NFTs for Dummies

Smartphone Millionaire
Ericka S. Williams

Resources Section

PG&E Care
AT&T low-income
Affordable Connectivity Program
Welfare + eBay
Pallet Shelters
Term-life Insurance from Legal and General America (+10 years insurance)
YouTube: Miles Beckler Niche (find one of your purposes in life faster)
Healthy San Francisco

Mentors & Quants Section

Jeff Brown - Brownstone Research (Example: X-Bonds)
Jeff Clark Trader
Jim Rickards
Larry Benedict
Nomi Prins (Example: Warrants)

Futures Section

Amazon Power Shack - Americium Nuclear Diamond Battery lights up solar panels; vending machines profit for the homeless; everything's automated.

Amazon Money Wall - NFC on. Charges Forever Battery. Loads account with crypto, asset supported dollar, and asset supported Renminbi.

AI Yield Farming Platform and decentralized device. Makes crypto loans while you sleep.

IAAC Print-a-house and REIT for rental income + spendthrift fund, REIT card drone

Restorative Justice VR ChatGPT and AI Granny: Image of a FiBox + "This is a Financial Box or FiBox! Your family will never be poor!"

SynBio Microfactory

DroneDek's Smart Mailbox

IoT of Crypto
example: vending machine



ChatGPT - free business apps

AI & Robots ACT for African Americans

2. AntiFentanyl Flyer

SFHG: I asked, via readers, The Sinaloa Cartel to skip selling drugs. In return they get a gigantic gift which replaces all their drug money x 3 or x 10:

Enter the education and entertainment industries with NFTs for Dummies + YouTube AI + (Crypto) Accounting AI = x 3 or x10 drug profits. I only got a positive response from x 10 saying they'd still sell for 2 years or so. Closing operations necessary. That's what my readers said.

I know the AntiFentanyl Flyer may interfere with some of your operations, so I'm replacing your money x 10. Hopefully my readers are accurate!

Fentanyl killed a lot of customers! 

Manufacturing and distributing drugs takes a lot of work, labor hours, and trouble with law enforcement!


Drug dealer, Judges, and Law Enforcement Powers: Think Filter over an area. Don't hire the DCS Bull Mask drug dealers. Get help from the Angel Suit drug dealers. Fire drug dealers who announce themselves or DCS attack 24 hours in neighborhoods!

Yes, the Bull Mask drug dealers can change into an Angel Suit drug dealers given FiBox info.


Browser extension .drugs - Statistics on how much drugs are worth for the average and big sellers compared to crypto-DeFi and yield farming including labor difficulty level measurements. Google or ChatGPT may also give % of above information.


Drug Party Spy! Be One! Like Spy vs. Spy except it's Spy vs. Fentanyl on YouTube Shorts! Antidrug powers (which may not work): Show Fentanyl easily! Just think it over an area from 4 blocks away.

Success Section

REMEMBER to BUDGET! Depression tents still around! Spend some of the money on Alpha Rounds or asymmetic investing! No Lambos yet!

French chicken stocker
Mercedes-Benz Former Drug Dealer
$400K Former Drug Dealer
Diamond Ring and -Earrings Former Drug Dealer (Tiffany & Company)

3. Doomsday Clock Reversal Method 8

App: Bribe key officials using Crypto-DeFi to prevent nuclear war.

4. Doomsday Clock Reversal Method 9

Gigantic altruistic gift to key official to set back nuclear war.

SFHG: Asked President Xi Jinping to gift Banana Protein Vaccine Info (Stage 2) from my GMAIL database to ailing President Vladimir Putin and ask, "Give the world something really good!" Not sure if the message got through though.

Futures Section

Peace Exchange (& App) Era

Belt & Road Initative includes Western Skyports. Panbiotic (crypto) cf. symbiotic.

Formula: Crypto + 3rd party ratings service = Crypto ETF

5. Yozma Microfactory!

This is the decentralized version of Yozma Gigafactory. It's product is greater and true freedom! Instructs with TikTok and YouTube videos.

When the cost of living goes down due to exponential technology, greater autonomy and freedom is achieved!


Freedom Electricity - Trapped Energy, Americium Nuclear Diamond Battery lights up solar panels

Freedom Oil - 65 cents per barrel (ask JP Morgan nicely in a letter which company it is)

Freedom Water - Reliable One Resources, SkySource

Lowering Cost of Medications - Universal Vaccines: H84T BanLec (Stage 2), 6000 Genetic Diseases Vaccine

Crypto ETF filtered with 3rd party ratings service

U.N. Global Citizen's Passport

Civil Rights Growth Policy - Very good for business and helpful in war.

Yozma Asymmetric Investment Fund has 5 tiers: Free, youth, adult, senior, and executive benefits

To find out more Google:

sf hologram guy > blog archive on the right > 2018 > June:

Friday, June 22, 2018
Yozma Gigafactory and Google Businesses and Jobs App Ideas (Summer 2018 Notes)
GALLERY item 1

Futures Section

Inverse Progroms Drones - improves economy with ChatGPT

Crypto Inverse Life Insurance Policy - Get paid back for wrongful deaths in war (death of baby). Example: Shiba Inu.

Thanks from former terrorist: "Plenty of money to reject torture, attorneys & trial court affordable now. Only paid us $40,000!"

6. Pikachu Detective Drone & Steph Curry

Basketball court.

Pikachu Detective Drone flies up to Steph Curry who is on break and ask 2 questions:

1) Family need a lot of money?

Steph Curry says yes.

PDD says FiBox + .gov URL

2) Ummm...Any shooters?

Steph Curry: No, only me! Tosses basketball in the air making long shot!

PDD: WOW! Amazing! Zips off!

(SFHG: Just having fun!)

SFHG: Super busy! Editing on my spare time. Trying to get to Pancake Bunny Swap Tutorial (or better) which takes 20 minutes to learn on YouTube, 1 day to master (deposits, withdraws, transfers, etc., and 30 minutes paperwork (seed words). That's what I heard anyway.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Doomsday Clock Reversal Method #7; Disrupt War - Get Rich!; Medicine for 6000 Genetic Diseases; Inverse Progroms; and DeFi in the Tenderloin (November 2022)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, The Economic MLK do not know if a method mentioned will work for your situation, and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

Disclosure: SFHG money blog is linked to Google Analytics and Blogger has its own Analytics. Your information is not sold or used in any way except for counting the number of visits to this site or its pages. Click away from this site if you do not want to be tracked in any way.

SFHG Update

Why some sellers should skip DCS attacking. It's the depression, tents on the street, not the boycott that's causing the drop in profits.

Drug income - distributor cut = How much you're actually getting. The amount is usually so small, DCS attacking is not worth it.

Most of the sellers are getting their money from Gallery item 7b below, just above item 8.

My neighbors counted 8. I counted 4 DCS attacking drug dealers or sellers coming in to my neighborhood to complain. The assassins are either very few or not coming in at all. I spoke with them via DCS hologram, speaking attack, and found out they got my information at least 90% incorrect.

Here's some of my correct information:

SFHG = .org approximately to

1. Drug dealers

2. African Americans

3. Poor people

4. Poor in technology

5. The Homeless

7+ Streams of income offered come from

Weiss Ratings

Crypto Superyield Summit (Weiss Ratings - Liquidity Provider) 

Larry Benedict

Jeff Brown - Brownstone Research

Jeff Clark Trader

Nomi Prins

Crypto Mining

Just join their e-mail lists.

Accomplishments/Former drug dealers

French chicken stocker + choice of wine every 2 weeks distributor.

Mercedes-Benz drug dealer (Warned him to be frugal with his money. There are depression tents lined up along some streets).

$400K drug dealer.

Thanks to President Vladimir Putin for sharing info about the 24 hour DCS attackers with local authorities. They were announcing themselves (murder statements) on Market Street. They got my information wrong.

Gifts for President Putin and other officials are below.


This section contains 6 additional economic methods for a total of 183. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. Doomsday Clock Reversal Method #7

GOP Toy Store (Item #1)

Reverse Doomsday Clock Plush Toy

Wind it up to reverse 5 minutes!

Tip: Give the finest, smartest ideas to powerful people at the right time. Make their lives easier. Example: Development zone for the medicine in #3 below instead of a launching pad for missiles. Higher talent = more options.

2. Disrupt War - Get Rich!

3x energy for China, Russia, and USA to help with climate change.

In exchange lock away war for 1000 years to defeat climate change.

65 cents per BARREL oil (Ask JP Morgan for company name)

Trapped Energy (YouTube search)

Nuclear Diamond Battery - NDB (YouTube search)

Liquid Energy Electrolyte, 5 cents per pound 
flow batteries, redox flow batteries for grid storage.
(Google: Nomi Prins Liquid Energy)


Stock Gumshoe

By Travis Johnson
Stock Gumshoe
October 6, 2022

Air Fountain - Water from air (Air Fountain John Gilmore)

Universal Income Crypto Card (Cryptobot card - AI liquidity provider)

Infinity Coil, pre-built:

3. Medicine for 6000 Genetic Diseases

Dylan Jovine (btm - Behind the Markets)

Cut  & Paste  The Small Company Revolutionizing Medicine

Repealing President Trump's Executive Order 13,771 was a mistake. Amend?

Google: cut & paste disease from your body

4. Nuclear Diamond Battery AI Cargo Drone

for supply chain problems.

5. Positive Economic Games vs. War Games

6. Inverse Progroms (DeFi, DeGov)

Funds Arab and Jewish Communities.

If Inverse Programs existed in the past, this would fund German and Jewish Communities.

7. Economic District Attorney

DeFi Yield Farmer Jobs for inmates, so they can pay back their victims. Example: Term-life policy for manslaughter or murder in exchange for a shorter sentence.

SFHG Update

Please ignore most of the info in #8 below. Ran into a bad source. Everything except the tip paragraphs is incorrect.

If you purchased, then e-mail or phone Weiss Ratings for a refund. My apologies!
Weiss Ratings > Courses (at the top) > DeFi MasterClass > 2.8 DeFi Yield Farming. All enrollment in DeFi Revolution is closed and there is a waiting list.

Note the many income methods from crypto DeFi. DeFi Yield Farming is only one of them.

What to do next: 

After using YouTube to learn about setting up the Ledger Nano X (for beginners), centralized, decentralized exchanges, DeFi Yield Farming information may be necessary to take advantage of the huge percentage rates. Hopefully that's the right area.

High yields also occur occasionally, so have a low capacity. All the drug dealers cannot benefit. I suggest investing in the following:

Global Token Exchange Technology (YouTube search: GTE Technology)

Medicine for 6,000 Genetic Diseases (Google: cut & paste disease from your body)

Banana Protein Vaccine (Google and YouTube search: H84T-BanLec)

For the $79 million, Google: Weiss Ratings The Next Bitcoins. DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE! Info is 18 months old. Will look for the current version.

If you are super poor, try a Coinbase Wallet instead of a cold wallet.

Google or YouTube search: 

Coinbase Wallet 

Can a Coinbase Wallet be used on Uniswap?

How to connect Coinbase Wallet to Aave

What is Yield Farming? 

(Make sure the collateral switch is in the ON position.)

Top 10 Decentralized Exchanges?

How do I get cash out of a Coinbase Wallet?

CoinGecko has ratings for top centralized and decentralized exchanges: CoinGecko > Exchanges (3 bars upper left corner on smartphone) > Crypto Exchanges (centralized) or Decentralized Exchanges.

Remember! Use YouTube + for beginners tutorial!

Here's 2 ideas to make up for the inconvenience:

Unlimited Water Source

Nuclear diamond battery that powers a light that shines on solar panels powering graphene desalination plant.

Daily Convergence Update 12/07/2022
European scientist are developing [Americium] nuclear waste batteries for use in space.

Black Wall Street's Back!
AR/VR Digital Exchange vs. Physical Exchange
Fire-, murder-, and vandalism proof!
AI Granny (African American) teaches white supremacist crypto DeFi!

Again please ignore most of the info in #8 below. Ran into a bad source. Everything except the tip paragraphs is incorrect.

8. Crypto-DeFi, Fintech Jumbotron in the Tenderloin

Example: 1 gummy bear per day vs. Fentanyl upon doctor's recommendation.

Get off the drugs. You have to fill in online form for Liquidity Provider job.


Crypto Superyield Summit

In the order form area select $59 premium or $39 digital option

Scroll down and also click on 

One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series...$14.95

Liquidity Provider is in section 3, videos 1 to 3

Tip: YouTube search Ledger Nano X Tutorial (or for beginners) to save you $50 fee for support. Separately, the 1 TB version is the Ledger Nano X. Ignore the 2 MB Amazon listings. eBay is cheaper but for security purposes buy new/factory sealed.

YouTube search: Seed Phrase for Beginners. View more than 1 video to cover Private Key, Public Address, etc.

Provide liquidity of $5,000 maximum = $50,000 back in 45 days or 1,000%

If borrower defaults, you get approximately $10,000 collateral for this example.

If you miss collection, penalty is 1/3 or 33% of $50,000 = $16,666. You get

$50,000 - $16,666 = $33,333 paid to you.

Tip: After due diligence on the prospective fund, choosing to provide liquidity for a minimum of $200 to $500 may be a good deal. The interest paid back to you may be sky high! If the company defaults, at least you get collateral.

Job/10 in difficulty compared to difficult welfare + eBay jobs.

Takes less than 6 hours to learn.

Notebook necessary!


Currently reading about H84T-BanLec in stage 1 & 2 (animal test). Google: Banana Protein Vaccine for more info. It's a universal vaccine for all coronaviruses, flu viruses, and maybe some cancers. Broad-spectrum antiviral activity against several RNA viruses.

H84T-BanLec has broad spectrum antiviral activity against human herpesviruses in cells, skin, and mice
M G Lloyd et al. Sci Rep. 2022

Nature Journal
H84T-BanLec has broad spectrum antiviral activity against human herpesviruses in cells, skin, and mice
M. G. Lloyd, D. Liu,...J.F. Moffat

Thank you for reading! Editing on my spare time. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Biden's Big Options Billboard; Drug Dealers' Billboard; 8th Key to the Peace Exchange; The Economic District Attorney; AI Granny vs. Racism; DroneDek's Smart Mailbox (September 2022)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method mentioned will work for your situation, and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

Disclosure: SFHG money blog is linked to Google Analytics and Blogger has its own Analytics. Your information is not sold or used in any way except for counting the number of visits to this site or its pages. Click away from this site if you do not want to be tracked in any way.

SFHG Update

Visualize a postcard with a picture of a fantastic mosque with an angel of G-d in front of it. That's my Hadith business card! 

As Salaam Alaikum, Shalom, and Greetings!

I'm requesting additional assistance from Christians, Muslims, and Jewish Community whom I've helped with my financial DCS holograms over the years. I need your protection.

Info from readers: The Department of Justice said I was in danger of assassination [from the real criminals] probably because I have 68 ANTICRIME Methods which I'm going to explain because people don't understand them completely.

5 to 10 are antidrug methods and most are negative anticrime methods used to fend off DCS attacking criminals.

A handful are positive antipoverty methods.

Unfortunately the 68 methods are scattered throughout my sketchbooks and #55 is missing.

I'm asking for your protection. In exchange I'll give you 3 marvelous gifts from my database to make your lives a lot easier.

Drug Dealers: El Chapo = El Cheapo! Exit drugs rich! Yes! I'm unofficially your new legal money guy.

Still helping with the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Hopefully, the Knesset and PLO take notice of my Peace Exchange Method!

Here are the 3 gifts or shortcuts:


Crypto Superyield Summit, $59 and scroll down to the $14.95 One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series. DeFi Account 85% APY and drug dealers look for section 3, videos 1 to 3 for Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months. I apologize for calling this a Crypto Loaner or Lender in previous blog post. I have limited resources.


John of New - Recalled he was an apostle of Jesus via a past life regression. You don't have to believe this but do cherry pick (secret) information about Jesus.

Love Covered Life Podcast - What do people do in heaven? Cherry pick NDEs.

Why should you listen to me?

I have 300 peak IQ + theta wave creativity at will. Hopefully my readers are right about this blog making The Museum of Financial Brillance twice! They gave me the address of 48 Wall Street which is The Museum of American Finance.

Current Situation

The [DCS] assassins are changing over to DeFi and going back to the nuts who f-worded them to my apartment complex because they're getting paid $0.


Use DCS atttack: Attack the nut!

Use DCS attack: Filter!

Keep a record on Twitter! #news, #sfpd


This section contains 4 additional economic methods for a total of 177. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

SFHG: I'm aware the news said I only had 160-something economic methods. My defintion is slightly different.

1. Biden's Big Options Billboard

65 cents per barrel oil. Ask JP Morgan for the company name and ticker symbol. Picked up this one from a Teeka Tiwari publication. Good for potash; used in farming.

Liquid Nanoclay Factory for climate change.

Carbon (Graphene) Circuitry.

Trapped Energy! 1 year = 5x total output of the entire Ghawar field. 

Nuclear Diamond Battery.

AI Granny [is black for this era] vs. Racism. Teaches white people about Universal Millionaire Income (UMI): DeFi Account 85% APY and for drug dealers Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months (Section 3, Videos 1 to 3). Goal is to support a macro or inclusive family and wealthy family options. Not all white people are murderers! Repair alliances and friendships so you can fight greater evils!

Blockchain + Patent System.

Chill Breeze and Chill Well: Evaporative Cooling Units.

Weapons Coin! Can't buy weapons with anything else. Trackable. Get cash or crypto back if you have the weapon destroyed (certificate). Maximize privacy rights of other cryptos.

2. Drug Dealers' Billboard

SFHG: Unofficially, in return for helping me, I'm your new legal money guy!

El Chapo = El Cheapo. Exit drugs rich! 


Crypto Superyield Summit, $59 and scroll down to the $14.95 One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series. DeFi Account 85% APY and drug dealers look for section 3, videos 1 to 3 for Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months. I apologize for calling this a Crypto Loaner or Lender in previous blog post. I have limited resources.

Jeff Clark Trader $19 Deal. Also look for the 44 Day Retirement Accelerator.

Inverse ETF. When the market goes down, the Inverse ETF skyrockets!

3. 8th Key to the Peace Exchange

SynBio Technology! 50 cancers blood test, fertilizer, etc.


The Synthetic DNA Factory is Building New Forms of LIfe
Sep 8, 2019

4. The Economic District Attorney

Alcatraz Postcard or Bookmarker Upgrade: 


Crypto Superyield Summit, $59 and scroll down to the $14.95 One-Time-Offer: Video Tutorial Series. DeFi Account 85% APY and drug dealers look for section 3, videos 1 to 3 for Liquidity Provider, 1100% interest in 2 months. I apologize for calling this a Crypto Loaner or Lender in previous blog post. I have limited resources.

Security Social Drone - DA drone. Flies into crime zones and gives them money methods.

Universal Millionaire Income (UMI) - Example is Jeff Clark Trader's $19 Deal which is actually an effective education!

Fentanyl and Marijuana Replacement Money! See Liquidity Provider above. You may need to advertise an alternative to Fentanyl: 1 gummy bear vs Fentanyl. Gummies are available on Amazon and have no THC in them but will give you lots of energy and other medicinal benefits.

Stealing Replacement YouTube ADs: Jobs/10 in difficulty compared to difficult welfare and eBay jobs. (SFHG: My source says technically it actually Job/4 in difficulty). See reference section just below this article for details.

Crypto Mining to fund anticrime fintech methods

Metaverse Court

Money Algorithm and quant service for the poor.

Tokenize % Hospital

Solar or infinity coil fintech mural in the Tenderloin

SFHG: My African American constituents asked me not to only help African Americans mostly. My IQ is 300 + theta wave creativity. Help Everybody!


Making Money with DeFi

How to make Money with Crypto - DeFi for Beginners
Whiteboard Crypto
2:53 - 6 little DeFi Jobs
11:00 FREE DeFi Guide download description

At 2:53 this video describes 6 types of little Crypto - DeFi jobs or task. Jobs/10 or jobs/4 technically in difficulty. Compare to welfare jobs + eBay.

5. DroneDek's Smart Mailbox

Futureloop 8/3/2022 4:47 PM

The world's first smart mailbox is ready for drone deliveries
by Jack Daleo
Wedenesday, August 3, 2020

Terrorism proof! Sensors inside to detect explosives, biohazards. Alerts users and emergency authorities. Entered code, key, keypad, fob or their own cell phone.

SFHG: Thank you for reading. Editing on my spare time!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Power Sources; Helping the Other Drug Dealers; AI Crypto Tipper + Browser Extention; Twitter Ideas; and Uvalde School Shooting Solutions (June 2022)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method mentioned will work for your situation, and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

Disclosure: SFHG money blog is linked to Google Analytics and Blogger has its own Analytics. Your information is not sold or used in any way except for counting the number of visits to this site or its pages. Click away from this site if you do not want to be tracked in any way.

SFHG Update 

Thanks again to the other distributors and sellers! I heard 2 ot 4 drug dealers spoke to a couple of DCS attacking sellers in my neighborhood to stop DCS attacks on me. Fantastic and impressive! You spoke outloud and negotiated for me!

For helping me, your gigantic gifts are below in GALLERY item #2.

The bad sellers probably heard 2 sentences, saw a DCS boycott sign, and never gave my info and me a chance! Please refer them to SF Hologram Guy, Saturday, February 19, 2022, GALLERY item #2 for a lot of money.

SF Hologram Guy, Tuesday, June 1, 2021, GALLERY item #4 is the Family FiBox which contains 15 items to help with bills.


This section contains 4 additional economic methods for a total of 173. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. Power Sources

Infinity Coil for attack on power grid
Dark Age Defense Review

MIT Zigzag Solar Panel
Backyard Revolution Review

2. Helping the Other Drug Dealers

Society can enter super stable state!

AI Granny

Beams and says DeFi Account 85% APY!
SFHG: That's 8.5 x The American Dream of 10% APY!
Infinity Coil
MIT Zigzag Solar Panel
Kadena 6 Bitcoin Miner (or better): $200/day

Secret ingredients: Crypto ETF + GTE Technology ($2.1 Quadrillion)
Tweet it with the correct hashtag

Crypto ETF Additional Safety
Apply Weiss Crypto Ratings to make it a lot SAFER 

Marijuana and Fentanyl Money Replacement Found!
I got the following info from friend, so do your due diligence and kick the tires:

DeFi 500% and DeFi 1100%. This is a Crypto Loaner. Please double check the information which gets updated over time. Caveat example: Be sure to collect upon maturity or pay back date or penalty is 33%. So if you lend $3000 and are late collecting $33,000, penalty is $11,000. You get $22,000. Recommend you limit loan to a maximum of $5000 to reduce risk of loss.

Weiss Ratings, Superyield Webinar, $59 for 1st year.

Weiss Ratings DeFi Masterclass, $600 promotional price.

Alan's Method

Weiss Ratings, The Next Bitcoins
3 Super Altcoins; invest $8,500 (This is temporary!)
Wait 6 months
= $7.5 million

Of course, you can start with $100 and compound at 85% for >6 months.
Deferred + Spendthrift Trust.
Yes! You'll be a millionaire when you sell at the right time.

Weiss Ratings Options Course
Approx. $1K per week
Selling the right options, you get paid really fast!


The Rundown
Crypto's Crossroads
March 27, 2022
6:02 AM


Making Money with DeFi
How to make Money with Crypto - DeFi for Beginners
Whiteboard Crypto
2:53 - 6 little DeFi Jobs
11:00 FREE Defi Guide download description

Click on the down arrow in the center right of the smartphone screen.
Click on the link to Whiteboard Crypto's DeFi Guide.

Keep a notebook nearby! At 2:53 this video describes 6 types of little Crypto - DeFi jobs or divided by 10 in difficulty. Compare to difficult welfare jobs + eBay.

3. AI Crypto Tipper + Browser Extention

This can be a drone that passes out money funded by DeFi Account 85% APY or better.

4. Twitter Ideas

Security Drone Service
$50 AI Drone with different tiers of service.
Drone flies to crime in progress and tries to record license plate of getaway car.

AI Friend and Money Drone Service
Hi! Do you need any DeFi Money?

Twitter Coin
Invest in your community!

5. Uvalde School Shooting Solutions

SFHG: My apologies for making this the last item. This worse than a horror movie school shooting came up late on the news. One of my Yakuza friends already tweeted the info below to Uvalde students. We're adding faculty.

AI Granny recommends:

AI Pikachu Drone! This is a small Taser Drone with a Pikachu sticker the teacher can keep on her desk. Just press the on/off button to activate. Hovers near the door and stuns gunman!

DeFi Account 85% APY

DeFi 1100% Interest (for Drug Dealers) in 2 months. This is a Crypto Loaner. Please double check the information which gets updated over time. Caveat example: Be sure to collect upon maturity or pay back date or penalty is 33%. So if you lend $3000 and are late collecting $33,000, penalty is $11,000. You get $22,000. Recommend you limit loan to a maximum of $5000 to reduce risk of loss.

Life-changing information about DeFi items above are available from Weiss Ratings Superyield Webinar, $59 for the 1st year.

SFHG: Thank you for your help and hope you had fun with higher quality ideas! Editing on my spare time! Have a good one!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Great Millennium; Helping the Other Distributors and Drug Dealers; Scaling Method + DeFi; Post Office NFT Biz; Doomsday Clock Reversal Method #6; Decentralized GOP NFTs; IoT Crypto Miners; Uncensored Crypto Docuseries (March 2022)

This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.

Disclosure: SFHG money blog is linked to Google Analytics and Blogger has it's own Analytics. Your information is not sold or used in any way except for counting the number of visits to this site or its pages. Click away from this site if you don't want to be tracked in any way.

SFHG Update

According to my network of friends which includes legit VIPS to distributors and drug dealers, there was a murder attempt, that was thwarted, on my life.

I only have bits and pieces of info because there's no e-mail address and phone number for this blog.

Assassination attempt was thwarted because I am helping with an offer of $79 million+ per distributor or drug dealer. In return they would exit drugs in <8 months to 4 years.

Offers for the assassination were mostly $0, somehow $500K and $1M. The $1 million guy ended up putting me under his protection. The assassins...I was wondering what all the noise outside was last night...all of them headed back to their small time crime bosses to tell them they got their information completely wrong if not tell them off or report them.

I heared law enforcement arrested a total of 6 small time crime bosses.

There was a 7th small time crime boss who talked to me outside via DCS hologram. I gave him lots of money info. He ended up protecting me.

The money information I gave them is in GALLERY item #2 below.

Why are the murder attempts happening?

The mixed nuts DCS attacked me for 27 years and I'm tired of it. The crime rings are probably worried about my 48 antiDRUG methods which don't exist. I've got 48 antiCRIME methods scattered throughout my sf hologram guy blog and sketchbooks.

The difference between antiDRUG and antiCRIME methods is antiCRIME methods can make you very rich if only some of them are published which I'm doing now.

The drug dealers also keep announcing themselves outside via DCS attacks, DCS holograms, outloud, and on social media.


This section contains 3 additional economic methods for a total of 169. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. The Great Millennium

The Millennium is an Age of G-d or 5th age powered by thorium of which there is a 1,000 year supply. Fusion + Crypto and smaller power sources are better and possible.

Part of G-d's memory are available via books and media by author Nanci L. Danison.

The Millennium is how creative you can be.

2. Helping the Other Distributors and Drug Dealers

Here's what we're currently discussing.

El Chapo = El Cheapo

FRONT: Postcard of Alcatraz Island with DCS Hologram of DeFi Account 40% Interest flowing across it. 

SFHG: My friends say DeFi Accounts go up to 1100% safely and I was just being conservative.

BACK: Crypto = End of Poverty with MLK holding a huge equals sign. The word faith is in the background. JB# (Jail Band #) is on the top addressee line.


$59 for Super Altcoin Methods
$100 = $79 million in 3 to 4 years
Use Dark Exchange

$59 for Superyield Methods
DeFi Account 40% Interest

Expensive but good Options Course
Approx. $1,000 really fast per week.

Expensive but good NFT Course
Google: Nyla + NFT
YouTube: NFT Buy Sell

Financial Chocolate Fortune Cookies

PG&E Care
AT&T low-income
Google: Emergency Broadband
eBay + Welfare
Intel Bonanza Chip for Bitcoin Mining (vs. Rent)

3. Scaling Method + DeFi Account

Namaste! For India!

Source: Uncensored Crypto Episode 9 Mining, Energy

4. Post Office NFT Business

...or eBay NFT Business

5. Doomsday Clock Reversal Method #6

Use Intel Bonanza Chips to fund your Twitter Peace Exchange Activities.

Send solutiongram to reasonable person: enemy or friend.

Get paid in goodwill and Bitcoin.

Ask and Bid!

6. Decentralized GOP NFTs

Postcard: Military Tank OR Water Technology + Bridge

#GOP (If important enough)

7. IoT Crypto Miners

Crypto Mining Statue for the homeless.

Smartphone upgrade for parking meter fee. Coins-for-Smartphones!

8. Uncensored Crypto Docuseries with Host Michael Hearne

It's better than MLK!

Realign with your goals against modern slavery!

Update and upgrade your organization! Transform!

Crypto = End of Poverty!

SFHG: Hopefully, I have time for edits and improvements! I love helping people!