This is a hobby blog. Its objective is to use a combination of exponential technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.
Disclaimer: Please check advice given with economic, financial, medical, and/or political professionals. SFHG and associates, and The Economic MLK do not know if a method will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies, organizations, and personalities below.
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SFHG Update
According to my network of friends which includes legit VIPS to distributors and drug dealers, there was a murder attempt, that was thwarted, on my life.
I only have bits and pieces of info because there's no e-mail address and phone number for this blog.
Assassination attempt was thwarted because I am helping with an offer of $79 million+ per distributor or drug dealer. In return they would exit drugs in <8 months to 4 years.
Offers for the assassination were mostly $0, somehow $500K and $1M. The $1 million guy ended up putting me under his protection. The assassins...I was wondering what all the noise outside was last night...all of them headed back to their small time crime bosses to tell them they got their information completely wrong if not tell them off or report them.
I heared law enforcement arrested a total of 6 small time crime bosses.
There was a 7th small time crime boss who talked to me outside via DCS hologram. I gave him lots of money info. He ended up protecting me.
The money information I gave them is in GALLERY item #2 below.
Why are the murder attempts happening?
The mixed nuts DCS attacked me for 27 years and I'm tired of it. The crime rings are probably worried about my 48 antiDRUG methods which don't exist. I've got 48 antiCRIME methods scattered throughout my sf hologram guy blog and sketchbooks.
The difference between antiDRUG and antiCRIME methods is antiCRIME methods can make you very rich if only some of them are published which I'm doing now.
The drug dealers also keep announcing themselves outside via DCS attacks, DCS holograms, outloud, and on social media.
This section contains 3 additional economic methods for a total of 169. An economic method affects or makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.
1. The Great Millennium
The Millennium is an Age of G-d or 5th age powered by thorium of which there is a 1,000 year supply. Fusion + Crypto and smaller power sources are better and possible.
Part of G-d's memory are available via books and media by author Nanci L. Danison.
The Millennium is how creative you can be.
2. Helping the Other Distributors and Drug Dealers
Crypto Mining Statue for the homeless.