This is a hobby blog. It's objective is to use a combination of technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.
SFHG Update:
Only Junkie Jerome is bugging me with 24 hour attacks now. Once in a while there's a crazy pedestrian announcing himself. My neighbors are fending them off with DCS attacks whenever they have time.
Thanks to the Other Drug Dealers for standing up 1st to help me. GALLERY items 1 to 12 are for them.
This section contains an additional 13 economic methods for a total of 136. An economic method makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.
1 to 12 Resources for the Other Drug Dealers and the Poor
13 to 18 Solutions for a few international problems
Disclaimer: Please check advice and resources with economic and financial advisors. SFHG and associates do not know if a method or resource will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies and personalities below.
1. Use EBAY for supplementing or replacing that job
EBAY for 3 minimum profit items: $10 - $10 - $10. The first two $10 profit from items makes $4.2 million (at 8% interest using Clark Kegley's $10 a day method) when you retire 50 years later. The 3rd $10 is 33% profit or interest that will push you way over $4.2 million.
How to Become a Millionaire with $10 a Day
Clark Kegley
Published on May 6, 2019
9:10 How to get 8% return/year? 4 ways.
How to Become a Millionaire with $10 a Day
Clark Kegley
Published on May 6, 2019
9:10 How to get 8% return/year? 4 ways.
2. Using MyYouTube Store to Flank Poverty
On your YouTube video these buttons:
Unsolvables - your main product or solution to a difficult to solve problem
Guidepost - useful sites, videos, and information for sale
My Courses
My Merch
A low-income or homeless person can consult if a smartphone is accessible and virtual (blockchain) addresses become legal.
3. Resources for the Other Drug Dealers
Ericka S. Williams books, courses, and videos for preventing mistakes.
Economy Changing Every 3 to 5 Years
Ericka Williams
Published November 30, 2019
Discusses statistics or "map" of personal life and business patterns.
Classy Climb Blog
The Classy Climb Blog helps you to increase your cash flow through tax lien investments, rental properties, dividend stocks and other...
Why Ericka link - Ericka's history
One on One link - What Ericka can help you with in business and life
Bundle Package with 5 Courses
Financial Power House Bundle, $450
Tax Lien, $149
One Page Business Plan, $47
Financial Freedom Starts at the Basement, $97
The Power of Creating a Private Investment Group, $250
Getting Money for your Business, $250,
Smartphone Millionaire by Ericka S. Williams, Copyright 2018, $25
190 pages, $25
Writing down daily microgoals and evaluating yourself. Ericka's daily tactics.
6 Figure Youtube Business
Taught by Ericka Williams, Buy 3 payments of $750
Taught by Ericka Williams, Buy 3 payments of $750
Classy Climb School
The rise of the 1099 Lifestyle, $67
One Page Business Plan, $67
Money On Tap, $39.99
Creating your Own Economy, $125
4. MLK Anti-poverty Assistant for IoT
Ask TV income questions.
5. An Energy Breakthrough Could Store Solar Power for Decades
Goes well with the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's (IAAC) printed native soil house.
"Kasper Moth-Poulsen molecular solar thermal liquid. Energy trapping molecule, a storage system that promises to outperform traditional batteries, at least when it comes to heating, and an energy-storing laminate coating that can be applied to windows and textiles."
Abundance Insider, November 8, 2019
November 8, 2019, 2:42 PM
From: Peter Diamandis
Molecule made of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen that absorbs sun's energy and holds it until a catalyst triggers it's release.
links to
by Adam Popescu
Bloomberg Businessweek
November 3, 2019
9:01 PM PST
Researchers in Sweden have created a molecule that offers a way to trap heat from the sun.
6. This "Anti-Solar Panel" Could Generate Power from Darkness
Goes well with the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's (IAAC) printed native soil house.
Researchers at Stanford University have developed a solar panel capable of generating energy from the night sky.
Future Capacities: 0.5 W/m2
Lights LED lightbulb
This "Anti-Solar Panel" Could Generate Power from Darkness
Abundance Insider: September 27th, 2019, 4:31:PM
links to
This "Anti-Solar Panel" Could Generate Power from Darkness
by Haley Zaremba
Sep 23, 2019
3:00 PM CDT
7. A Gift for San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin
5 types of EBAY Stores
+ Retroactive Life Insurance Policy Alternative
to help fund restorative justice
Retroactive Life Insurance Policy Alternative
Fund Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's (IAAC) printed native soil house.
$1,000 houses via smartphone app (M1 Finance Pie) > rent out over house's useful life = life insurance policy alternative.
Highly Effective Crime Reduction Method
Fund IAAC printed native soil houses > Rent them + EBAY for businesses or jobs. 2 sources of income for unstable neighborhoods.
8. Bernie Sander's Solar Initative Idea
Rent IAAC printed native soil house to fund neighborhood solar and wireless powerwalls and -poles. Apply nationally.
9. Central American EBAY
Helps stablize nations south of the border, build Dreamers' economy and alliances. Fund it with Immigrant's M1 Finance Pie.
10. Indiegogo to fund your book
11. Flying Car M1 Finance Pie
12. Amazon Homeless Services
Build an extra economy or economic ecosystem, and long-term customer relationships.
Free smartphone with capacitor-type battery.
Fund Public Wireless Power Poles or Tents (with IAAC printed native soil house rents).
Amazon Business Center for the Homeless
13. Gazan Skyport
Flying cars with safety chip and autonomous steering. Safe Gazan economy, % of profits to Alternatives to Terrorism Program via YouTube or equivalent.
YouTube can be the Muslim Armor of G-d because moderates can talk to the most extreme factions without getting attacked. For greater safety, scramble your image.
14. White Ops App for Muslims
Replace your house with an IAAC printed native soil house.
YouTube Instructions and advertisement: Take care of and keep your house. It prevents much evil. G-d does not want you to fight, kill unnecessarily, and is against torture.
[Arab] science prevents a lot of evil.
15. How difficult would it be to get President Vladimir Putin and General Secretary Xi Jinping to Convert to White Ops?
Increases the number of allies and expands the economy.
16. United Nations Income, Economy, and Entrepreneurial Drone (IEED)
This solar drone flies around teaching income and economy methods which prevent crime and wars.
17. Anti-Mass Shooting Income Site
Tax insurance companies to fund Alternatives to Mass Shooting website and videos. Saves a ton of insurance money which can be for growth year after year.
Cash Angel: Watch mass shootings drop like a brick!
18. NFC, Cable and Back Door Button for Smartphones
Press the back door button on the flyer's smartphone. Only terrorist's information will appear.
SFHG: Thanks again to the Other Drug Dealers and my neighborhood for helping me via DCS attacks vs. the nuts and communications to VIPS. I plan to continue the Intel & Money Club to help you and friends around the world. I can save you a ton of trouble.