Monday, November 25, 2019

Resources for the Other Drug Dealers, Using MyYouTube Store to Flank Poverty, A Gift for San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, and Systemwide White Ops Conversion for President Vladimir Putin and General Secretary Xi Jinping (December 2019)

This is a hobby blog. It's objective is to use a combination of technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

SFHG Update:

Only Junkie Jerome is bugging me with 24 hour attacks now. Once in a while there's a crazy pedestrian announcing himself. My neighbors are fending them off with DCS attacks whenever they have time.

Thanks to the Other Drug Dealers for standing up 1st to help me. GALLERY items 1 to 12 are for them.


This section contains an additional 13 economic methods for a total of 136. An economic method makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble. 

1 to 12 Resources for the Other Drug Dealers and the Poor
13 to 18 Solutions for a few international problems

Disclaimer: Please check advice and resources with economic and financial advisors. SFHG and associates do not know if a method or resource will work for your situation and are not affiliated with companies and personalities below.

1. Use EBAY for supplementing or replacing that job

EBAY for 3 minimum profit items: $10 - $10 - $10. The first two $10 profit from items makes $4.2 million (at 8% interest using Clark Kegley's $10 a day method) when you retire 50 years later. The 3rd $10 is 33% profit or interest that will push you way over $4.2 million.


How to Become a Millionaire with $10 a Day
Clark Kegley
Published on May 6, 2019

9:10 How to get 8% return/year? 4 ways.

2. Using MyYouTube Store to Flank Poverty

On your YouTube video these buttons:

Unsolvables - your main product or solution to a difficult to solve problem
Guidepost - useful sites, videos, and information for sale
My Courses
My Merch 

A low-income or homeless person can consult if a smartphone is accessible and virtual (blockchain) addresses become legal.

3. Resources for the Other Drug Dealers

Ericka S. Williams books, courses, and videos for preventing mistakes.


Economy Changing Every 3 to 5 Years
Ericka Williams
Published November 30, 2019

Discusses statistics or "map" of personal life and business patterns.

Classy Climb Blog

The Classy Climb Blog helps you to increase your cash flow through tax lien investments, rental properties, dividend stocks and other...

Why Ericka link - Ericka's history
One on One link - What Ericka can help you with in business and life

Bundle Package with 5 Courses

Financial Power House Bundle, $450
Tax Lien, $149
One Page Business Plan, $47
Financial Freedom Starts at the Basement, $97
The Power of Creating a Private Investment Group, $250
Getting Money for your Business, $250,

Smartphone Millionaire by Ericka S. Williams, Copyright 2018, $25

190 pages, $25
Writing down daily microgoals and evaluating yourself. Ericka's daily tactics.

6 Figure Youtube Business
Taught by Ericka Williams, Buy 3 payments of $750

Classy Climb School

The rise of the 1099 Lifestyle, $67
One Page Business Plan, $67
Money On Tap, $39.99
Creating your Own Economy, $125

4. MLK Anti-poverty Assistant for IoT

Ask TV income questions.

5. An Energy Breakthrough Could Store Solar Power for Decades

Goes well with the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's (IAAC) printed native soil house.

"Kasper Moth-Poulsen molecular solar thermal liquid. Energy trapping molecule, a storage system that promises to outperform traditional batteries, at least when it comes to heating, and an energy-storing laminate coating that can be applied to windows and textiles."

An Energy Breakthrough Could Store Solar Power for Decades
Abundance Insider, November 8, 2019
November 8, 2019, 2:42 PM
From: Peter Diamandis

Molecule made of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen that absorbs sun's energy and holds it until a catalyst triggers it's release.

links to

An Energy Breakthrough Could Store Solar Power for Decades
by Adam Popescu
Bloomberg Businessweek
November 3, 2019
9:01 PM PST

Researchers in Sweden have created a molecule that offers a way to trap heat from the sun.

6. This "Anti-Solar Panel" Could Generate Power from Darkness

Goes well with the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's (IAAC) printed native soil house.

Researchers at Stanford University have developed a solar panel capable of generating energy from the night sky.

Future Capacities: 0.5 W/m2
Lights LED lightbulb

This "Anti-Solar Panel" Could Generate Power from Darkness
Abundance Insider: September 27th, 2019, 4:31:PM

links to

This "Anti-Solar Panel" Could Generate Power from Darkness
by Haley Zaremba
Sep 23, 2019
3:00 PM CDT

7. A Gift for San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin

5 types of EBAY Stores
+ Retroactive Life Insurance Policy Alternative
to help fund restorative justice

Retroactive Life Insurance Policy Alternative

Fund Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's (IAAC) printed native soil house.

$1,000 houses via smartphone app (M1 Finance Pie) > rent out over house's useful life = life insurance policy alternative.

Highly Effective Crime Reduction Method 

Fund IAAC printed native soil houses > Rent them + EBAY for businesses or jobs. 2 sources of income for unstable neighborhoods.

8. Bernie Sander's Solar Initative Idea

Rent IAAC printed native soil house to fund neighborhood solar and wireless powerwalls and -poles. Apply nationally.

9. Central American EBAY

Helps stablize nations south of the border, build Dreamers' economy and alliances. Fund it with Immigrant's M1 Finance Pie.

10. Indiegogo to fund your book

11. Flying Car M1 Finance Pie

12. Amazon Homeless Services

Build an extra economy or economic ecosystem, and long-term customer relationships.
Free smartphone with capacitor-type battery.
Fund Public Wireless Power Poles or Tents (with IAAC printed native soil house rents).
Amazon Business Center for the Homeless

13. Gazan Skyport

Flying cars with safety chip and autonomous steering. Safe Gazan economy, % of profits to Alternatives to Terrorism Program via YouTube or equivalent.

YouTube can be the Muslim Armor of G-d because moderates can talk to the most extreme factions without getting attacked. For greater safety, scramble your image.

14. White Ops App for Muslims

Replace your house with an IAAC printed native soil house.

YouTube Instructions and advertisement: Take care of and keep your house. It prevents much evil. G-d does not want you to fight, kill unnecessarily, and is against torture.

[Arab] science prevents a lot of evil.

15. How difficult would it be to get President Vladimir Putin and General Secretary Xi Jinping to Convert to White Ops?

Increases the number of allies and expands the economy.

16. United Nations Income, Economy, and Entrepreneurial Drone (IEED)

This solar drone flies around teaching income and economy methods which prevent crime and wars.

17. Anti-Mass Shooting Income Site

Tax insurance companies to fund Alternatives to Mass Shooting website and videos. Saves a ton of insurance money which can be for growth year after year.

Cash Angel: Watch mass shootings drop like a brick!

18. NFC, Cable and Back Door Button for Smartphones

Press the back door button on the flyer's smartphone. Only terrorist's information will appear.

SFHG: Thanks again to the Other Drug Dealers and my neighborhood for helping me via DCS attacks vs. the nuts and communications to VIPS. I plan to continue the Intel & Money Club to help you and friends around the world. I can save you a ton of trouble.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Funding the United Nations with Plastic Waste, Eos Bioreactor Carbon Capture System, Methane = 84 x CO2 Impact, An Alternative Economy for the Other Drug Dealers, and Funding IAAC Housing Starts (October 2019)

This is a hobby blog. It's objective is to use a combination of technologies and ideas to help the world survive and thrive.

SFHG Update:

There's only 1 minor drug dealer bugging me now with 24 hour attacks. The other person who lives in an adjacent apartment building is not a seller. I think he's just defending himself. Both can be handled at a local level.

Thanks to my neighborhood and the other drug dealers for helping me.


This section contains an additional 5 economic methods for a total of 123.  An economic method makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. Funding the United Nations with Plastic Wastes

$4 trillion worth of plastic wastes to fund the United Nations. Use plastic to build roads that are 8 to 16 times more durable.


The surprising solution to ocean plastic | David Katz
Published on February 16, 2017

9:00 ...plastic worth 50 cents/kilo or $4T value
The Plastic Bank

Plastic Recycled for Use on Roads
Abundance Insider
November 30, 2018
Spotted by Marty Mushrush/Written by Jason Goodwin

Mixing plastic into asphalt to create sections of modular road

links to

Plastics recycled for use on roads
by Ashlee Halsey III
Washington Post
October 30, 2018
1:57 AM

"Three types of roadway plastics: adding refined plastic pellets to hot-mix asphalt, grinding off the top surface of roads and adding urethane, and roads that are essentially nothing but recycled plastic."

2. Eos Bioreactor Carbon Capture System

Very important: Methods that can be used in sequestoring methane, like MethaneSAT, are necessary.

Eos Bioreactor from startup Hypergiant Industries uses algae's photosynthetic capabilities to capture approximately 2 tons of carbon per bioreactor.

Algae-based bioreactor is capable of sucking in as much carbon as 400 trees

Measures 63 cubic feet - smaller than a traditional telephone box

A New Bioreactor Captures as Much Carbon as an Acre of Trees
Abundance Insider
September 20th, 2019

links to

A New Bioreactor Captures as Much Carbon as an Acre of Trees
The News Today
September 17th 19
Filed Under: Earth & Energy

New Carbon Capture System Generates Electricity by Sucking up CO2
The News Today
January 22nd 19
John Christian
Filed Under: Earth & Energy

3. Methane = 84 x CO2 Impact

Methane = 84 x CO2 impact over a 20 year period.

(This article helps buy the Earth some time. Please spread the message: Free methane infomation will become available.)

Environmentalist Fred Krupp, President of the Environmental Defense Fund said MethaneSAT which measures methane pollution from oil and gas facilities worldwide with exacting precision will launch by the end of 2021.

Data into Action

Present companies with free data so they can cut pollution
Citizens empowered to take action
Governments tighten regulations
Transparency - accounting for progress and where


Cut methane pollution by 45% by 2025 which is the same near-term impact as shutting down 1300 coal-fired power plants (1/3 of all coal-fired power plants in the world).


Carbon Removal Technology: A Must-Have for the Climate
Environmental Defense Fund
Published on October 7, 2019

It's Carbon Negative, not Carbon Neutral to get to net zero or negative emissions.

Let's launch a satellite to track a threatening greenhouse gas | Fred Krupp
Published on September 27, 2018

MethaneSAT: Unique Mission with a Unique Purpose
Methane SAT
Published on September 19, 2019

The Innovators: Tom Ingersoll and Dan McCleese | MethaneSAT
Environmental Defense Fund
Published on October 18, 2019

Methane Emissions: a methane satellite
Environmental Defense Fund
Published on April 30, 2019

4. An Alternative Economy for the Other Drug Dealers

SFHG gigantic DCS hologram on a skyscraper: 

EBAY + Nike box + basketball vs. Drugs & Guns


I use Garfield and Steph Curry DCS holograms to help alleviate poverty. An EBAY book, then Steph Curry pops out of a magician's hat with tap of a wand. Steph Curry tosses basketball into a hoop. Ball rolls over to impoverished kid in the park. Curry ques Garfield to hand him NIKE box which he gives to the kid. Garfield thought cloud: image of NIKE listing on EBAY.

Readers asked me for an alternative to NIKEs. I used a pair of earbuds I found on YouTube: Bill Stenzel Free Money. This liquidation item had a 1,400% ROI which I beamed as interest and profit on a price tag.

Extra resources for the Other Drug Dealers:

Disclaimer: Please check advice and resources with economic and financial advisors. SFHG and associates do not know if a method or resource will work for your situation.

Ericka S. Williams Funding Course
8 videos, 10 text, 4 PDFs
$250 currently

David Quintieri's Amazon FBA Course
Temporarily Free

Learn as much as possible from this course to supplement and/or replace an education that didn't work or failed at some point.

How Much YouTube Pays Me for 1 Million Views | Nate O'Brien
Published August 6, 2019

Way to earn $10+/day passive income, and accounting (Total you've made per day).

How to Become a Millionaire with $10 a Day | Clark Kegley
Published May 6, 2019

5. Funding IAAC Housing Starts

$1000 house from The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.

Fund it with a 25 cents donation per Clipper Card (regional transit) or credit card transaction for IAAC. Rent the house (for REIT) and invest in an exponential technologies fund. $1 IAAC Housing Starts donation on federal tax form.

Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's 3D printed native soil house. "IAAC found a way to convert almost any soil into a building material with 3 times the tensile strength of industrial clay...natural insulation, low GHG emissions, fire protection, air circulation and thermal mediation."

Future of Real Estate & Construction
Published on May 26, 2019 at 10:43 AM
Peter Diamandis

That's it for now! Hope you enjoyed incredible options that can make a difference in your life. See you next time!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Converting CO2 to Hydrocarbon Fuels, Safely Expanding Welfare, Replacement for Drug Dealing, Thermal Desalination Method, and Doomsday Clock Reversal Method (September 2019)

Economic methods fans scroll down to GALLERY. This is a hobby blog.

SFHG update:

That crimestaurant down the street closed due to a number of violations. Yahoo! No more DCS attacks from employees or patrons! That Junkie Jerome who lives across the street is the only 24 hour attacker left for now. Color the drugs had very little effect on Jerome announcing himself via DCS hologram. Show current drug hiding place worked a lot better, getting him to withdraw some of his DCS attacks.

I don't bother people who don't DCS attack me. Selling their drugs is none of my business. Never imagined they would set a holographic fire to DCS cash bags and not mention my financial- and economic methods on social media on purpose. Their favorite edit is the word bomb. Twitter bomb is the only bomb in the Intel & Money Club's toolbox.

9/2/2019 Neighborhood Attack Status

These flying nuts attack so much that their DCS names are floating out their windows sometimes with a DCS package of drugs on a swing! They probably flushed their drugs which were also "announcing" themselves outside their windows by now.

Antonio - 24-hour attacker. Lives in the apartment complex with that large archway entrance. DCS announced to the entire neighborhood he has to dump his allotment [of drugs].
Chicken Jerome - DCS says he's helping me.
Clarence - Stopped using the energy-draining attack on me! Yahoo! Zero attacks! 
Jim - Helping me after 24-hour attacks.
Junkie Jerome - Finally helping me after helluv attacking.
Tony - Still building the defecation attack which is blasting tenants in his own apartment complex and DCS says he's defending himself!

Will update you on ongoing "negotiations" or situational change.

10/17/2019 Neighborhood Attack Status

There's no one living in the adjacent facility. It's just a kitchen. That means the 9/2/2019 Neighborhood Attack Status list is partially wrong.

The DCS name Jim keeps popping out of the adjacent apartment building. Jim's attacking with everybody's abilities (to trick me) and kill whoever-it-is off no matter what.

That Junkie Jerome been attacking 24 hours on and off again!


This section contains an additional 5 economic methods for a total of 118. An economic method makes a lot of money and/or saves a lot of trouble.

1. Converting CO2 to Hydrocarbon Fuels

Peter Diamandis

building from thin air & the carbon revolution

August 18, 2019

Direct Air Capture (DAC), a technology that fundamentally disrupts our contemporary oil economy.

DAC uses solar (or other renewable energy sources) to capture CO2 from the air, bond it with hydrogen molecules and create burnable fuels molecularly identical to natural gas and diesel.

Take energy from the sun and stores it in a permanently exploitable fuel source.

Electrolysis separates hydrogen from H2O. The Sabatier reaction (1897) [methane or main constituent of natural gas] and Fischer-Tropsch process (1925) [CO2 + H2 to petrol] together result in the bonding of the carbon molecule in CO2 to hydrogen molecules to thereby create hydrocarbon fuels.

2. Safely Expanding Welfare

Disney + Thorium AI fund!

Smartphone app, invest button, and .gov invest for me button.

Virtual address.

AI inheritance.

3. Replacement for Drug Dealing

Improved Drug Dealer M1 Finance Pie! 4 ingredients minimum for this AI fund!

IAAC Print-a-house and REIT for rental income
Spendthrift fund

Click on invest or .gov invest for me. Virtual address. AI inheritance.

YouTube ads: Easier than selling drugs. Easier than farming poppies.

THC may drag down the economy. CBD may drag up the economy.

4. Thermal Desalination Method

Researchers from the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed a new form of "thermally responsive" ionic liquids capable of desalinating saltwater. 

Cost-effective solution using thermal energy instead of electricity.

Scientist Cook up New Recipies for Taking Salt Out of Seawater
Abundance Insider: August 3rd, 2019
1:40 PM

links to

Scientist cook up new recipes for taking salt out of seawater
July 31, 2019
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

5. Doomsday Clock Reversal Method

Extra method for reducing nuclear proliferation, increasing security and economic prosperity.

Pick up that creativity!

Instead of only using President Reagan's Trust but Verify method where both sides dismantle weapons and do safety checks, create as many fantastic white ops security methods as possible.

Here's an example. 

Do a makeover on plans to use funds on that nuclear bomb. Reroute it for exponential technologies instead! That way, the bomb money will be locked in increasing business and infrastructure for jobs and prosperity.

6. The .gov Free Business Tool Chest

In the future, instead of a tax, buy an IAAC $1000 print-a-house REIT and use the income to supplement business rent.

Still big on free or low-cost water for business and the public. Reliable One Resources has graphene desalination and water/oil purification technologies. 

A thorium desalination plant is an excellent choice. Build more water exponential technologies funded by investment apps. Make congress and leaders build!

Invest in incubators! Free business apps! Waiver for fictitious names!


Reliable One Resource's Latest Breakthrough
Reliable One Resources
Published on March 7, 2018

19:17 to 19:27 Oil Recycling Technology mentioned

Reliable One Resources Innovative Water Treatment Solutions
Reliable One Resources
Published on Apr 11, 2016

Animated version of Reliable One Resources' capabilities and purpose. Actually, their technologies can be used to avert water wars at 1/8 the cost of reverse osmosis- and 1/10 cost of double distillation systems.

How to prepare for the Recession
Ericka Williams
Premiered on August 27, 2019

Tips to get yourself set up for the recession stock market.

SFHG: Hope you enjoyed some solutions that make the world a fantastic place! Am very busy! Hopefully, I have time to edit. Thanks for contributing ideas! See you next time!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hamas-Israeli Peace Exchange (June 2019)

Economic methods fans scroll down to GALLERY. This is a hobby blog.

SFHG Update:

One of the clerks at the cafe down the street keeps DCS focusing in on my area of the neighborhood. It makes people attack a lot more. I'm using DCS holograms to fink on him. The neighbors are hitting him with the DCS defecation attack. That clerk just won't stop DCS automatic attacks.

The Arabs in my neighborhood recommended an AI Education Assistant vs. AI Entertainment Assistant Platform.


This section contains an additional 4 economic methods for a total of 113. Use a computer instead of a smartphone to access the blog archive link near the top upper right-hand corner of the screen. That's where the other economic methods are located.

1. The Hamas-Israeli Peace Exchange Idea

The Israelis already have tunnel detection technology which will only get more advanced. All you have to do is Google it. Instead of an ordinary option why not have a fantastic one!

The Hamas-Israeli Peace Exchange mostly trades land, real estate, and medicine. Below is a sample of what it's capable of.

Safety via cryptocurrency, decentralized blockchain, and drone safety chip.

Retroactive life insurance policy alternative for a baby who died in a war > Fund IAAC $1000 houses via smartphone app > Rent out over house's useful life = life insurance policy alternative. Decentralized blockchain will make sure money does not go to weapons.

Israeli medicine via drone and Gazan hospital investment via smartphone app to save 10x the babies.

% of profits go to the Israelis so they can build thorium-powered cargo vessels which can be used to improve the regional economy.

YouTube video ideas

Israeli medicine saves my baby!
Benefits of being friends with the Israelis
Alternative or designer Israeli rights - Passport
Rich Text Options for IAAC Housing Support via Israel and World - $1000 house
Getting the land back peacefully or buying alternative land

To reignite the flame of peace

Calling all Israeli-Palestinian Peace Designers. You can be from anywhere in the world!

Give a synopsis of your peace plan on Indiegogo and why the Israelis and Palestinians will listen...Ultra high I.Q., save a ton of .mil money, solve the housing crisis, for example.

If successful, sign your peace plan. Hopefully, Sotheby's will allow processing after you upload.

Indiegogo + Sotheby's = Get paid twice!

2. IAAC $1000 House

Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia's 3D printed native soil house. "IAAC found a way to convert almost any soil into a building material with 3 times the tensile strength of industrial clay...natural insulation, low GHG emissions, fire protection, air circulation and thermal mediation."

Future of Real Estate & Construction
Published on May 26, 2019 at 10:43 AM
Peter Diamandis

3. Financial Resources for Suicidal White Males

Disclaimer: Please check advice and resources with a financial advisor. SFHG and associates do not know if a mentioned method will work for your situation.


Clark Kegley 15 - Contains 15 passive income methods in 2 videos to reduce the financial pressures on you.

Published April 12, 2019
Part 1: 22:33

Published April 15, 2019
Part 2: 29:10

Clark Kegley Millionaire
Become a millionaire on $10/day + 8% compound interest = $2.1 million when elderly, for example. How to get 8% return/year.

Ryan Scribner - How to become a millionaire
Often features a chart of inflation, retirement account, taxes, etc.

Smartphone Millionaire by Ericka S. Williams

Copyright 2018

Found legit 5 to 23% interest rates inside its 74 pages. The info in the book is a gold brick and a shortcut in life. For details check GALLERY item #4 below.

Ebay Store

AmazonFBA has a learning curve

Shopify has a learning curve

4. Smartphone Millionaire by Ericka S. Williams

Disclaimer: Please check advice and resources with a financial advisor. SFHG and associates do not know if a mentioned method will work for your situation.

SFHG has viewed 2,167+ mostly money videos and read a lot of financial books 10 years ago.

The 74-page Smartphone Millionaire is a life- and time saver, if you have basic financial and investment knowledge. Here's a sample of what's in it without revealing too much.

Ch.2 Retirement: No Longer a Million - 5 to 23% ROI, and a warning about [Investment] Banks.

Ch. 3 How to Become a Smartphone Millionaire

P. 24 Picture of Income Streams for handling life's expenses

Ch. 4 Craigslist Investing

P. 41 Picture of True [Investment] Ladder for putting your money away.

Ch 7. Accredited and Non-accredited Investing in Real Estate

Ch. 8 How to Invest in Businesses

You'll have to do research to find out about exponential technology companies.

Ch. 9 Starting over

What Ericka S. Williams would invest in.

5. Helping the Other Drug Dealers

Disclaimer: Please check advice and resources with economic and financial advisors. SFHG and associates do not know if a mentioned method will work for your situation.

In addition to the resources in #3 above, here's the latest list of materials SFHG uses to help the other drug dealers.


Valuetainment Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage Debunked - Why Amazon & Walmart Love the Idea
Published March 26, 2019

Discusses minimum wage, living wage, and market value.

The Money GPS

Solutions to Protect From the Global Economic Collapse
Published on May 19, 2019

HomeMade Entrepreneur

Best Way to Make Money Online Even with A 9 to 5 Job
Published on May 13, 2019

Justin Bryant

10 Side Hustles that Pay Good Money in 2019
Published on May 17, 2019

The ONE expert app - pays up to 15 euros/minute of advice

Ericka Williams

Investing Strategy for 2019 | Even if Stock Market Crashes
Published May 14, 2019

6. Bringing the DEMS and GOP together

Dems and GOP teach their most powerful & innovative financial methods.

7. Thorium-Powered Cargo Vessels

Russia has nuclear-powered merchant ships.


Thanks for reading! I hope the above makes your lives easier, your country a better place to live and enriches the world!