SFHG Update:
Bear market! Evil Harold's moved out but Junkie Jerome is DCS attacking now! That drug support cafe down the street! Either one of their employees or another patron is still practicing being a DCS hologram f-worder! There are a lot of additional DCS attackers/f-worders, at least 1 per day that show up in front of my apartment complaining. They believe that my antidrug DCS attacks jailed family members or sellers! They don't know I give helluv a lot of income and economic assistance info to replace their drug money which isn't much anyway! They won't need the drug money anymore!
Still holding DCS holographic income classes or Exit Drugs Classes with a lot of thank yous from MS-13, Nortenos, Surenos, "KKK," Millenials and my neighborhood! Some of the income techniques are on GALLERY item #4 below.
I only use DCS antidrug attacks if I have to. Antiterrorism/Antidrug Club (A-TAC) is now Intelligence and Money Club (ICM)! More civilian friendly! We'll be talking about a fictional K1 drone from Knightscope of Mountain View, CA that detects land mines, other hazards and displays them on smartphones. Will also discuss using Drugs Appear and Bomb Appear DCS attacks against people who just keep attacking.
Political events! The Trump Wall is so expensive, I'm worried it may compromise national security!
My solution?
Start a Plastic Bank which is worth $4 trillion. After $1 trillion in profit sharing, the migrant crisis would be over for sure, new allies/friends, natural buffer against crime and drugs...an extra economy!
Where's the market for that much plastic?
Mix the plastic into asphalt and use it to create roads that are 8 to 16 times more durable.
The surprising solution to ocean plastic | David Katz
Published on February 16, 2017
Talks about The Plastic Bank.
Plastics Recycled for Use on Roads
Abundance Insider
November 30, 2018
Spotted by Marty Mushrush/Written by Jason Goodwin
Mixing plastic into asphalt or create entire sections of modular road.
links to
Plastics recycled for use on roads
by Ashlee Halsey III
Washington Post
October 30, 2018
1:57 AM
Three types of roadway plastics: adding refined plastic pellets to hot-mix asphalt, grinding off the top surface of roads and adding urethane, and roads that essentially are nothing but recycled plastic.
There are an additional 5 economic methods, approximate total of 102, and a lot of income methods (Items 4 & 5 below).
Apologies for saying there were <110 economy methods. Got confused juggling economic and income methods.
1. Low Cost Water for Businesses and Everybody!
This should even out stock market fluctuations a little!
Reliable One Resources
Desalination via graphene flakes & membrane @ 1/9 the current cost of current systems.
Oil & water separation technology.
The Biggest Breakthrough in Desalination | Money Show
February 13, 2017
Cause of Oklahoma earthquakes starts at 4:30
2. Russell 2000- or Facebook Economic Method
Bring economy class ads for small businesses to Facebook and other social media platforms. Low cost ads = more traffic, conversions. For small business: The middle class is back!...supporting the nation!
3. poorSAT - Trillionaire's Platform
Print small satellites + Rocket Labs USA's technology = Globalizaton & AI Education for the Average Person!
This decentralized blockchain trillionaire's platform also helps sell info, advice, guidepost, solutions and unsolvables!
Tier 1 services are free with ads to get things going.
Peter Diamandis Abundance Insider
November 30, 2018
Rocket Launch in New Zealand Brings Quick, Cheap Space Access
spotted by Akash Kipalani/Written by Akash Kipalani
links to
Rocket Launch in New Zealand Brings Quick, Cheap Space Access
by Ashlee Vance
November 10, 2018
10:38 PM PST
Peter Diamandis Abundance Insider
November 30, 2018
Battery Idea: Hydroelectric Pumped Storage, But with Bricks
spotted by Noah Schochet/Written by Noah Schochet
links to
Battery Idea: Hydroelectric Pumped Storage, But with Bricks
by Megan Geuss
November 18, 2018
11:30 PST
Abundant, cheap energy (for building poorSAT).
4. Helping the Other Drug Dealers
SFHG note:
They didn't DCS attack me. DCS attacks are a minimum of 1/20 mace. Depends on the concentration.
Here's a partial list of what's in DCS hololecture material in nighttime classes!
Solving prejudice:
Talk, read and sing to 1 to 3 year old. The key is adding an extra language, so the grow up with friends of different ethnicities.
You Tube Keywords:
Why are we worse off than our parents?
Channel 4 News
Published February 10, 2014
7 Keys to Make $100,000+ With Online Courses
Wealth Hacker - Jeff Rose
Published on December 14, 2017
jeff rose teachable
Teachable makes it stoo-pid easy to create, market and sell your course!
Make More Money Questions
Low cost/high quality education during cyberweek & holidays
10 richest black
15 lessons rich
16:30 #11 Solving Problems is the Quickest Way to Get Rich
17:48 #12 No to waste time on things that do not correlate to the real world; the problem with schools and colleges
15 businesses
Viable career samples
blog vs. you tube
Top 3 affiliate
Justin Bryant 9
Job samples
Jack Pitman
5,000+ eBay listings platform for drop shipping
Roberto Blake start affiliate
Roberto Blake six-figure
Roberto Blake 5000
How to boost affiliate income
5. Intelligence and Money Club
Economic Method Greeting Card
Facebook overvalued stock alarm
Income Method Greeting Card
Antipoverty Maker Fair,
African American Solar,
AI Wordpress,
Apportunity Fund! African American Community Economic Investment via app.
SFHG note:
My hometown is Oakland, CA. I have African American relatives and neighbors. I started helping with a phone book in my hands and beaming DCS holograms of basic job and welfare information over Lake Merritt. I helped people a lot more than boycotting drugs for DCS attacks.
You Tube Keywords:
How to profit
Jeff Rose Wealth Hacker
Jeff Rose Combat
Jeff Rose Navy (make money online while in the military)
next Elon Musk (prosthetic limb genius)
6 Lies About Investing People Believe
#3 4:25 It's way to complicated to invest
#4 5:45 It is too time consuming
#5 6:25 I need to know a lot (Betterment, Wealthfront, M1 Finance)
#6 7:36 You need a lot of money to start (Robinhood, Fundrise)
7 Keys to Make $100,000+ With Online Courses
Wealth Hacker - Jeff Rose
Published on December 14, 2017
jeff rose teachable
Teachable makes it stoo-pid easy to create, market and sell your course!
Hope this post makes your life easier! See you next time!