Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Recession and Resources for January 2019

Economy methods fans scroll down to GALLERY.

SFHG Update:

Bear market! Evil Harold's moved out but Junkie Jerome is DCS attacking now! That drug support cafe down the street! Either one of their employees or another patron is still practicing being a DCS hologram f-worder! There are a lot of additional DCS attackers/f-worders, at least 1 per day that show up in front of my apartment complaining. They believe that my antidrug DCS attacks jailed family members or sellers! They don't know I give helluv a lot of income and economic assistance info to replace their drug money which isn't much anyway! They won't need the drug money anymore!

Still holding DCS holographic income classes or Exit Drugs Classes with a lot of thank yous from MS-13, Nortenos, Surenos, "KKK," Millenials and my neighborhood! Some of the income techniques are on GALLERY item #4 below.

I only use DCS antidrug attacks if I have to. Antiterrorism/Antidrug Club (A-TAC) is now Intelligence and Money Club (ICM)! More civilian friendly! We'll be talking about a fictional K1 drone from Knightscope of Mountain View, CA that detects land mines, other hazards and displays them on smartphones. Will also discuss using Drugs Appear and Bomb Appear DCS attacks against people who just keep attacking.

Political events! The Trump Wall is so expensive, I'm worried it may compromise national security!

My solution?

Start a Plastic Bank which is worth $4 trillion. After $1 trillion in profit sharing, the migrant crisis would be over for sure, new allies/friends, natural buffer against crime and extra economy!

Where's the market for that much plastic?

Mix the plastic into asphalt and use it to create roads that are 8 to 16 times more durable.

The surprising solution to ocean plastic | David Katz
Published on February 16, 2017

Talks about The Plastic Bank.

Plastics Recycled for Use on Roads
Abundance Insider
November 30, 2018
Spotted by Marty Mushrush/Written by Jason Goodwin

Mixing plastic into asphalt or create entire sections of modular road.

links to

Plastics recycled for use on roads
by Ashlee Halsey III
Washington Post
October 30, 2018
1:57 AM

Three types of roadway plastics: adding refined plastic pellets to hot-mix asphalt, grinding off the top surface of roads and adding urethane, and roads that essentially are nothing but recycled plastic.


There are an additional 5 economic methods, approximate total of 102, and a lot of income methods (Items 4 & 5 below). 

Apologies for saying there were <110 economy methods. Got confused juggling economic and income methods.

1. Low Cost Water for Businesses and Everybody!

This should even out stock market fluctuations a little!

Reliable One Resources

Desalination via graphene flakes & membrane @ 1/9 the current cost of current systems.

Oil & water separation technology.

The Biggest Breakthrough in Desalination | Money Show
February 13, 2017

Cause of Oklahoma earthquakes starts at 4:30

2. Russell 2000- or Facebook Economic Method

Bring economy class ads for small businesses to Facebook and other social media platforms. Low cost ads = more traffic, conversions. For small business: The middle class is back!...supporting the nation!

3. poorSAT - Trillionaire's Platform

Print small satellites +  Rocket Labs USA's technology = Globalizaton & AI Education for the Average Person! 

This decentralized blockchain trillionaire's platform also helps sell info, advice, guidepost, solutions and unsolvables!

Tier 1 services are free with ads to get things going.

Peter Diamandis Abundance Insider
November 30, 2018

Rocket Launch in New Zealand Brings Quick, Cheap Space Access
spotted by Akash Kipalani/Written by Akash Kipalani

links to

Rocket Launch in New Zealand Brings Quick, Cheap Space Access
by Ashlee Vance
November 10, 2018
10:38 PM PST

Peter Diamandis Abundance Insider
November 30, 2018

Battery Idea: Hydroelectric Pumped Storage, But with Bricks
spotted by Noah Schochet/Written by Noah Schochet

links to

Battery Idea: Hydroelectric Pumped Storage, But with Bricks
by Megan Geuss
November 18, 2018
11:30 PST

Abundant, cheap energy (for building poorSAT).

4. Helping the Other Drug Dealers

SFHG note:

They didn't DCS attack me. DCS attacks are a minimum of 1/20 mace. Depends on the concentration.

Here's a partial list of what's in DCS hololecture material in nighttime classes!

Solving prejudice:

Talk, read and sing to 1 to 3 year old. The key is adding an extra language, so the grow up with friends of different ethnicities.

You Tube Keywords:

Why are we worse off than our parents?
Channel 4 News
Published February 10, 2014

7 Keys to Make $100,000+ With Online Courses
Wealth Hacker - Jeff Rose
Published on December 14, 2017
jeff rose teachable

Teachable makes it stoo-pid easy to create, market and sell your course!

Make More Money Questions
Low cost/high quality education during cyberweek & holidays

10 richest black

15 lessons rich
16:30 #11 Solving Problems is the Quickest Way to Get Rich
17:48 #12 No to waste time on things that do not correlate to the real world; the problem with schools and colleges

15 businesses
Viable career samples

blog vs. you tube


Top 3 affiliate

Justin Bryant 9

Job samples

Jack Pitman
5,000+ eBay listings platform for drop shipping

Roberto Blake start affiliate

Roberto Blake six-figure

Roberto Blake 5000
How to boost affiliate income

5. Intelligence and Money Club

Economic Method Greeting Card
Facebook overvalued stock alarm

Income Method Greeting Card
Antipoverty Maker Fair,
African American Solar,
AI Wordpress,
Apportunity Fund! African American Community Economic Investment via app.

SFHG note:

My hometown is Oakland, CA. I have African American relatives and neighbors. I started helping with a phone book in my hands and beaming DCS holograms of basic job and welfare information over Lake Merritt. I helped people a lot more than boycotting drugs for DCS attacks.

You Tube Keywords:

How to profit

Jeff Rose Wealth Hacker
Jeff Rose Combat
Jeff Rose Navy (make money online while in the military)
next Elon Musk (prosthetic limb genius)

6 Lies About Investing People Believe
#3 4:25 It's way to complicated to invest
#4 5:45 It is too time consuming
#5 6:25 I need to know a lot (Betterment, Wealthfront, M1 Finance)
#6 7:36 You need a lot of money to start (Robinhood, Fundrise)

7 Keys to Make $100,000+ With Online Courses
Wealth Hacker - Jeff Rose
Published on December 14, 2017
jeff rose teachable

Teachable makes it stoo-pid easy to create, market and sell your course!

Hope this post makes your life easier! See you next time!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Yozma Gigafactory and Google Businesses & Jobs App Ideas (Summer 2018 Notes)

SFHG, Founder of Antiterrorism Club, MI5 Note:

MI5! Thank you for caring! I've heard but cannot confirm that you announced, "Show Drugs or Show Drug Money," over the BBC. My network also tells me 4 Nortenos were arrested for making terrorist threats against me via Twitter or Snapchat.

Show Drugs and Show Drug Money are 2 of my most powerful tools. I also use Slip Drugs and Slip Drug(s) (Hidden) Place Attack. Always follow up with Increase Accuracy for confirmation and check against traditional information.

DCS works on drug dealers, school shooters, and terrorists.

Antiterrorist Club does not have an Antidrug division, but it does have an Exit Drugs Class which teaches 5 major income sources: traditional, online legit, $1m+, your own (digital) product and investments. I get Nortenos, MS-13, and Surenos taking notes. Rarely do I get a potential school shooter or terrorist.

Here's a sample of information I gave to a desperate Norteno who needed an additional $50/month:

YooLotto download
Advertise on Snapchat, Twitter, etc.
Your YouTube Channel: What you're good at video
Click small triangle on the lower right of your YouTube video for
  • Cash Gift (tax limit): PayPal
  • Affiliate Link 1 (ex. Amazon Associates)
  • Affiliate Link 2 (ex. Amazon Influencer - large social media presence & lots of followers)
  • Your e-Mail: advise, consult, mentor, tutor, etc. for a fee
The desperate Norteno is now protecting me along with other MS-13, Surenos, etc.

To fend off the f-worders, arrogant commenters and the nuts who deliberately edited in the word BOMB in place of the DCS hologram of a freeze ray and STAR TREK TOS Planet Killer with cardboard cut out of Garfield's face held up by a popsicle stick, I'm still using fake, powerful magical and sci-fi weapons mixed in with a twist of comedy. I don't know why DCS holograms of traditional firearms have no effect.

SFHG Notes to Exit Drugs Class:

I've heard that translator jobs at YouTube: Justin Bryant 9 are full.

9 Work-From-Home Gigs That Are International
Published on May 20, 2018

Replacing street dealer money isn't exactly difficult: YooLotto, Ebates, Foap and Justin Bryant 13.

Exit Drugs Class teaches 5 major income sources: traditional, online legit, $1m+, your own (digital) product and investments.


For my Summer 2018 Notes, there are 7 additional economy methods for a total of 97! Ordinary ideas are also listed.

My network passes ideas along to VIPs so they can make the world a better place.

1. Yozma Gigafactory!

SFHG: The letter "o" in Yozma is replaced by a solar cell followed by the sun when beamed as a DCS hologram to my readers.

Israel and Palestinian State/Territories. You suffer so much, that I'm doing whatever I can for you. Remember the guy with the photographic memory that helped you capture the Golan Heights? Well, I'm the guy with 300 peak IQ at will that can solve difficult problems!

Solarize peace and bring the Yozma Gigafactory's product terminals to full regional peace support capacity.

Why it works. The exception is Arabs and Muslims will remember a Great Act by Israeli Jews for a very long time. Goodwill translates into LET YOU STAY and business perks!

Instead of just feeding Muslims regionally, I thought I'd shift peace into high gear and 3D print that beautiful dress, low cost or for free and deliver to that nice Palestinian woman. Gigafactory can 3D print just about any product and ship via drone!

For security, print a few (Knightscope) K1 drones which can detect weapons over a large area and transmit findings to smartphones.

Low cost, free products for the region in exchange for an end to the conflict, share the land and unlimited commerce. Pays for itself via sales.

Print-a-House Division:

4 bedroom+ 650 square feet New Story + ICON house, laptop computer. Pays for itself via rents and taxes.

5 types of rights offered: Israeli, Palestinian, e-Citizenship, United Nations' Ear and Israeli-Palestinian Special Economic Zone.

Frills: Corey-Gil Shuster, Security App, and Untwist Islam App.

This 3D Printed House Goes Up in a Day for Under $10,000
Spotted by Morgan McDermott/Written by Marissa Brassfield
Abundance Insider: March 30 Edition
March 30, 2018

links to

This 3D Printed House Goes Up in a Day for Under $10,000
by Vanessa Bates Ramirez
March 18, 2018
Singularity Hub


New Story + ICON: 3D Printed Homes for the Developing World
New Story
Published March 12, 2018

2. Google Businesses and Jobs App Idea

SFHG: Originally, this was the Google Startups App Idea. I've made significant improvements and can now help support an exponential economy and increase the chance of a company staying afloat via invest-, product- and exponential tech buttons.

Enter in City, State or jobs near your location. Google map of all job locations nearby show up. Click on a job location arrow. Job location appears.


Mushroom Company and contact info.
Invest button: Cash Gift (tax limit), Crowdfund, Patreon, Donations, Stock Fund, and Exponential Tech.

Exponential Tech# 1
Hiring# 7 (Jobs: Easy 1, Moderate 4, Difficult 1)
Dream Jobs# 1
Sponsors (us, you)

A separate app or site for exponential tech- and talented billboards would be nice.

3. Save Coal Belt Jobs!

Production of high-grade rare earths from coal in a cost-effective and environmentally conscious way.

Rare earth Elements (REE):
45% of total concentrate
80% REE on a dry whole mass basis and > 98% R.E. Oxides
Neodymium, Yttrium, and Scandium: aerospace, lighting and other applications
1/4 tons/hr mobile R.E. recovery pilot scale plant
Patent pending process developed by Honaker and Wencaizhang

UK Researchers First to Produce High-Grade Rare Earths from Coal, spotted by Paul Heiss, written by Jason Goodwin, Abundance Insider, March 9 Edition (2018)

links to

UK Researcher First to Produce High-Grade rare Earths from Coal by Whitney harder, Nov. 20, 2017, UKNOW

4. Shattering Cancer with Sound

SFHG:  From what I could tell from the video, lower and higher frequency waves were used to shatter cancer cells. Wondering if method affects other cells.

Shattering cancer cells with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmore College
Published Dec 22, 2013

12:43 Between 100kHz to 300kHz cancers vulnerable: leukemia, pancreatic an ovarian. MRSA (+common antibiotic) destroyed.

5. Alternative for Drug Distributors

Special Economic Status or Zone
4 Room Print-a-House Rents
Extra rent money goes to investments in exponential tech by phoning Charles Schwab, etc. "Hello! I need help with investing $100/month in this exponential tech company or fund."

6. A World Without Prisons

Deanna Van Buren describes how a world without prisons would be possible. 

More active and passive income is necessary to make it possible.

What a world without prisons could look like | Deanna Van Buren
Published April 3, 2018

12:38 1 jail or 30 restorative justice centers, #3 villages on wheels, pop-up resources village

14:12 What do we build instead? 1. Peacemaking Centers; 2. Centers for Restorative Justice and Restorative Economics; 3. Pop-up Villages

7. Preventing Human Stampedes

A life-saving invention that prevents human stampedes | Nilay Kulkarni 
Published Mar 14, 2018
ASHIOTO: foot-step in Japanese

5:26 ASHIOTO, 10mm thick, 18"x28" Unit, Size: 30 switches/unit

6:15 Authorities alerted if crowd slowed down or the crowd density moved beyond the desired threshold at various checkpoints

8. Element S Coat

Element S, a coat which is self-heated, waterproof and transforms into a sleeping bag at night.

TEDxDetroit 2011 - Veronika Scott - The Empowerment Plan
Pub on Mar 8, 2012

9. Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis

Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis | Ben Cort
Pub on Jan 3, 2018

Marijuana-Related Youth Arrest Rates Since Legalization in Colorado

African American +58%
Hispanic +29%
Caucasian -8%

Above information starts at 7:53 min and displays at 7:08 min.

10. Millenial Map

How to graduate college with a job you love and less debt: Jullien Gordon at TEDxMidwest
Published on Jun 26, 2012

The economic value of a college education
US Inflation + College Costs
Paths of Higher Education
The 4.0 that really matters
Campus Capital

Remember to Vote! You decide who is more capable of leading a better and smarter United States and other countries.

11. Justin Bryant Teen (2018)

Google or YouTube Search: Justin Bryant Teen

Results: 2 money making videos + I counted at least 4 videos (not in consecutive order due to search engine rankings) after them are small gems.

Recommend you ask your parents if it's OK to work to avoid and financial and legal entanglements.

How to make Money Fast as a Teen
Published Jun 5, 2018

How to Make Money Online as a Teenager in 2018
Published on Jun 15, 2018

Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Gift for President Donald J. Trump and City Leaders Worldwide

Note to President Donald J. Trump:

You're the 6th president who I helped or did something for. The gift for you and City Leaders is Economy Method #88 below, GALLERY item #1, Fantastic Homeless Solution. Don't worry! It's profitable!

Congress, especially the GOP, is getting half-baked, average ideas fed to them. Instead, try some of my high-quality insights in the GALLERY section below!

Why should you listen to SFHG? 300 peak I.Q. at will!

Hopefully, information from my network is correct! Thank you for keeping the FBI's eyes open for any real danger from the dumbest drug dealers who launch 24 hour DCS attacks at me.

Thanks to my network for using social media to fend off the f-worders. Every Friday and Saturday night!

Thanks to the FBI for bearing the embarrassment of speaking about "psychic powers."

Thanks to the Israelis and Palestinians for looking out for my welfare.

Don't forget to have fun Mr. President!

SFHG Update:

This time, I think the drug dealers making DCS holographic announcements outside edited the moon wand or Garfield hologram to powerful weapons, lunatic with weapons or even the word bomb! I hear they had the audacity to try to fool the NSA! I suppose I could withdraw their murder plans. Everything else is floating in the air as DCS holograms!

Still wondering what Evil- or Hashish Harold (lottery method blocker), Marijuana Mark (info withdrawer/energy drainer) and Weedy Dan (toilet attacker/speaking attack expert) are smoking! Junkie Jim mostly stopped attacking me. If they have any brains at all, they would have dumped their drugs which are flying outside their windows as DCS holograms by now. Hiding drugs does not work when it comes to DCS.

Friday and Saturday night the drug nuts come armed with f-words.  Evil Harold's blocking a semi-working psychic lottery method. Hopefully, no one posted it on Snapchat! I told the neighborhood it needed further testing.

The dumbest drug dealers are unarmed and know the neighborhood will call SFPD if they try anything...I'm unarmed! There's no money because of dumbest drug dealer threats!


Depending on your perspective, there's an additional 2 to 5- for a high total of 89 economy methods. There are also ordinary items. So big diamonds and small gems.

1. Fantastic Homeless Solution

A gift to President Donald J. Trump and City Leaders Worldwide.

Profitable tax design for the people.

Citybots take over janitorial and other jobs. Money earned and saved from Citybot Services goes to print-a-house for the homeless.

Homeless to transfer to 4 bedroom house ownership or REIT option.

  • Room 1: owner
  • Room 2: long-term rental
  • Room 3: Empty
  • Room 4: luxury, Airbnb
Property taxes for Citybot Services goes down due to cheaper services.

The formerly homeless can use their newfound time to invent new business ideas which generate jobs down the line. Education from Kindle, internet, robots and/or college.

A 30-second video can get rid of any basic laziness. Sometimes it's not that hard.

Add a small thorium reactor (LFTR) or upcoming fusion reactor and graphene filtered water device and you get a graphene-based Silicon Valley 2!

This 3D Printed House Goes Up in a Day for Under $10,000
Spotted by Morgan McDermott / Written by Marissa Brassfield
Abundance Insider: March 30 Edition
March 30, 2018

links to

This 3D Printed House Goes Up in a Day for Under $10,000
by Vanessa Bates Ramirez
March 18, 2018
Singularity Hub


New Story + ICON: 3D Printed Homes for the Developing World
New Story
Published March 12, 2018

Why making energy from dirt might save the world | Rusty Towell
Published May 11, 2015
16:25 Makes a quart of waste compared to a barrel.
17:28 What do we get from LFTRS? Targeted Alpha therapy with bismuth-213.

2. Antiterrorism Club Tool Box

Graphene paint for a layer of protection on doors.
Graphene bulletproof backpack.
K1 drone or K1 robot from Knightscope, Inc. texting warning of an active shooter on campus.
JustinKase door blocker.

Dream Chemical Spray (DCS) Command: Build a cookie on the school shooter.

DCS Command: Show address of drug house, - drug money or -drug weapons!

DCS Command: Increase accuracy. Use to double check if information floating in the air as DCS hologram is correct.

DCS Command: Build their drugs outside (as a DCS hologram).

DCS Hologram Trick: Toaster with a package of drugs popping up from a slot.

Anti-Wahhabi protest sign.
Anti-Nazi protest sign.

Near the border:

Small thorium reactor for charging stations
Graphene filtered water device
Seed bomb bank
Educational ambassador drone
K1 security drone with smartphone displaying Google Map of weapons in scanning range from future Knightscope, Inc.

3. School Solutions

School + pantry + Vanguard! Test scores will go up and stay up!

Closing the Achievement Gap: Reaching & Teaching High Poverty Learners, 101 Top Strategies by Tiffany Anderson. Published 11/9/2004

Transforming Schools for Excellence: Closing the Achievement Gap, Increasing Accountability in Charter and Traditional Public Schools by Tiffany Anderson. Published 8/22/2012


How one woman reinvented school to combat poverty
Published May 26, 2016

Dr. Tiffany Anderson, Superintendent of Schools at the Jennings School District.
Moved on to lead Topeka School District.

4. Civil Rights Star App

Product rating app + coupons and discounts.

Capability to scan all the barcodes or products in camera view. Organizes and rates products with Civil Rights Database. Response and comments section.

5. Ocean Plastic

Start a plastic bank. Worth $4 trillion.

The surprising solution to ocean plastic | David Katz
TED Talks
Published 2/16/2018

The Plastic Bank: a worldwide chain of stores where everything from school tuition to cooking fuel and more is available for purchase in exchange for plastic garbage -- which is then shredded, sorted and sold to brands who reuse "social plastic" in their products.

How the oceans clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft

Published  on Oct 24, 2012

Great Pacific Garbage Patch can completely clean itself in 5- vs. Researcher Charles J. Moore's 79,000 years using ocean currents and an array of solarized manta ray-like platforms.

6. Robots stealing your job

Buy stock in robot company or any long-term rising stock. Use dividends to start or .org.

7. Helping the other drug dealers update

Starting your own blog (easier) and/or YouTube Channel (harder).
Be a YouTube Info. Star!

Studying selling information 
on YouTube which is not the same as selling a book.

Below are income notes from SFHG.


Miles Beckler, John Chow

Justin Bryant, Neil Patel

YouTube Channel:

Nick Nimmin, Derral Eves, Roberto Blake
TubeBuddy (Tag Explorer) or Vid IQ

YouTube Monetization Alternative
Published April 20, 2017


CPA leads

PayPal/You: donations

Patreon/You: subscriptions
GoFundMe/You or Indiegogo/You: crowdfunding for sponsorships and YouTube collaborations
1K subscription to sign up

How to make money on YouTube! Top 10 ways to make money on YouTube!
Roberto Blake
Published on July 8, 2016

Hope you had fun reading! See you next time!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Economy Methods Notes for January 2018

This gigantic post adds 13 economy methods + other assistance to an existing 71 for a total of 84.  Scroll down to GALLERY to start the party!

SFHG Sci-Fi ideas

My readers tell me Star Trek Discovery is considering using a couple of my ideas. Here's some gift ideas to help the Star Trek Universe along!

Additions or adjustments to Kahless the Unforgettable

  • Fight corruption (with exponential technologies)! Parallel: 100% good Communist China vs. 70% good.
  • Higher % rehabilitation/Lower % punishment due to availability of greater education and resources in the future. For example, a Kahless' holographic justice app with well rounded options to violence.
  • Talk, read and sing antigrav drone for very young Klingons.
  • Bitcoin, blockchain decentralized equivalent to handle terrorism problems.
Resource Wars
  • Harness the power of the entire sun via bottles, force fields and portals.
  • Dramaticallly increase water device and seed farms in strategic locations to prevent war.
  • Antigrav makes massive apartment complexes possible.
Temporal Rescue Drones
  • Looks like gravitons can be controlled! Take 2 graviton eddy currents, oppostite rotations to create a greater chronoton vacuum ( fewer time "particles") or -density (more time "particles").
  • Adjustment to the temporal directive: Do exponential good!
New Technology that Restores Hope
  • String Hopping Engine for Pan Dimensional Radio: listen to an interview with an angelic Q or change the channel on a demonic Q who has nothing useful to say!
  • Borrow a psychic energy charge from a nice Q.  Zap up a clairvoyant, clairaudient radio. Scope copious useful information from family oriented spirits.
That's it for now! Have fun with advances in government in the Gallery section below!

SFHG Update

Don't worry about weapons!  They're all magical and sci-fi! Get details from people being mean to me! Probably on pot!

Afraid of the hologram of the black disk wiping out 1/2 of USA on the TransAmerica Pyramid? It's the symbolism you say! It symbolizes RoboGodzilla Mark 2's, not MechaGodzilla, blackhole attack combined with Sailor Moon's Wand!

What are they smoking!?!

The dumbest drug dealers and mean people are doing 24 hour DCS attacks on me! On and off violent holographic arguments and, of course, the occasional murder threat!

I'll call the police if a gun shows up (for holographically boycotting their stupid drugs)!

Thanks for tweeting to authorities the dumbest drug dealers shot holographic Garfield which happened more than once!

Trouble from the Russian spy stopped! From the spy's thoughts floating in the air, in DCS holographic words, his superiors told him to leave me alone because I was solving gigantic (Russian) problems.

Finding a way to handle the death threat from the Houthi Rebel caller was not that difficult for me. All I had to do was hologram a invitation ticket to solve a gigantic problem of his choice using cherry picked exponential technologies and my 300 peak IQ realizations.

"Israeli Arabs have more rights than in Arab Countries."
"Imam says they do not."
"They chop off hands."
"They actually chop off heads."
"Can you solve the Israeli-Palestinian Problem?"
"K1 drone can reduce Israeli checkpoint long line complaints!"
Holographic video: West Bank Palestinan in a car with a Pizza Hut Pizza and KFC zipping past checkpoint after a few seconds K1 weapons scan and smartphone clearance by an Israeli guard."

It's gotten better since marijuana was legalized in January! Impacted the dumbest drug dealers! DCS attacks reduced!

Palestinians: How much do you suffer under occupation? | Corey Gil-Shuster
Published October 31, 2015
77,805 subscribers


1. H-1B Visa Support App with eCitizenship and frills

  • Genius support app saves USA economy!
  • Stronger and more perfect union!
  • Terrorism proof!  Allows more time to vet the applicant or election to stay in his native country.
  • DCS tool:  With applicant permission, "Build a cookie on the terrorist." Caveat: Infomation needs to be corroborated.

2. New Drone Ideas

  • K1 backpack drone from Knightscope, Inc. Caveat: Doesn't exist yet. Miniaturization needed. Detects bombs, knives, anomalies. Use K1 drone at Israeli checkpoints and events to reduce Palestinian inconvenience complaints. Long lines zilched. 
  • U.N. Talk, Read & Sing Ambassador drones: TRSA
    TRSA caretaking: Talks, Reads and Sings to 1 to 3 year olds
    Balanced Israeli News: "Israeli Arabs have more rights than in Arab countries."
    Untwist Islam in 30 seconds
    Prepaid Udemy, Teachable and Skillshare courses
    Prepaid books: Nanci L. Danison books advice. Start at for a list of Tables of Contents of questions about life. Nanci L. Danison had an NDE and went further than most people. Came back with % of G-d's memory. % of G-d's memory vs. words from an archangel. Kindle editions and Amazon Used tab save the most money.
  • Mentor app: information from great teachers who care
  • Tutor app: information from students who care
  • Cryptocurrencies function: bypasses corruption with decentralization requirement
  • Fundraising app: worldwide crowdfunding, Pennies4AmbassadorDrones
  • eVoting App:  register citizen votes and non-citizen opinions
  • K1 Shield Drone & Gateway to protect buildings from unauthorized aircraft
  • Ambassador Drone with bitcoin + VISA  bank: Free Space Optical Communication Boxes (FSOC) to replace laying fibre optic cable

Exploring a New Approach to Connectivity, Abundance Insider: December 29 Edition, Spotted and Written by Marissa Brassfield

links to

Exploring a new approach to connectivy
Baris Erkmen

Free Space Optical Communications

Lead, X
Dec 14, 2017

3. New App Ideas

  • Israeli-Palestinian Mutual Fund App

    Instant multilateral peace
    Full rights possible
    Great Land (Re)purchase: Pay all parties conditionally to stop the war. Giant .mil savings
    Bitcoin, Blockchain Safety: corruption bypass to the average people
    World funding button
  • Antipoverty Apps with videos and prizes for Palestinians
  • San Francisco Investment App

    Exponential water technologies
    SF is surrounded 3 sides by water
    Good for Silicon Valley 2 foundation

  • CIA Finks App: up to 5 smiling- or frowning stars biz rating
  • Funio (for Africa) App: with cryptocurrency option
  • Safe Jail Cash Technologies R&D
  • Drug Cash Alternative R&D
  • Think Tank University App for Biz Survival

A forgotten ancient grain that could help Africa prosper | Pierre Thiam
Published September  27, 2017

4. Desalination Technologies

  • Reliable One Resources

    Desalination via graphene flakes and membrane at 1/9 the current cost of current systems
    Oil and water separation technology

    The Biggest Breakthrough in Desalination | Money Show
    Feb 13, 2017
    Cause of Oklahoma earthquakes starts at 4:30 seconds

    San Francisco! I strongly advise you to build a desalination plant with Reliable One Resources Technology. Their oil and water separation technology is also a wise investment. Climate change, can't expect it to rain on schedule, growing population and you want Silicon Valley 2.

  • Making Clean Water with a Spark of Electricity | Korneel Rabaey

    June 7, 2016

    Electricity driven bioconversions; chlor-alkali process produces caustic soda and chlorine; prepares 1/3 chemicals in Europe; feed bacteria that convert CO2 into valuable products (acetic acid, aviation fuel, vinegar, polymers); produce chemicals locally; combat sewer corrosion and explosions; safe water in Indian slums

  • Chaitanya Karamchedu

    hydrogel based desalination
    polymer that absorbs water
    using saponified starch grafted polyacrylamides hydrophilic properties to harvest fresh water with low energy and chemical footprint

  • Electrochemically Mediated Seawater Desalination
    GoBeats News, Published on 7/2/13

    Try an Xprize to see who can get really close to 100% desalination with this device.
    University of Marburg in Germany, University of Texas in Austin.
    Electrode that can run on a store bought battery is used to remove salt from ocean water.
    3 volts, 25% desalination, membrane-free method

  • Futurism: Art Meets Tech
    Gorgeous Solar-Powered Pipe Can Desalinate 1.5 Billion Gallons of Seawater

    Author Jasmine Solana
    Editor Sarah Marquart

5. Subsidized Internet and Income Methods Resources

For the other drug dealers who didn't DCS attack SFHG.

Melecia at Home

196 Videos
74,483 Subscribers
Single parents flex jobs, some jobs that require no experience
List of job web sites below video
Time index of subject talked about

155 Videos
58,763 Subscribers
Work @ home jobs, some require no experience
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Justin Bryant Videos
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10 Free Apps that Will make Your Smartphone Pay for Itself
How to Make a Full-time Income from Free Smartphone Apps
Justin Bryant 13 Apps
Justin Bryant 1530
Justin Bryant 110656

6. Rent a Friend vs. Prostitution

Recommend patrons increase education, languages spoken, and/or skills. You want to be a valuable friend.

$50/hour. Up to $2,000 per week.

10 Weird Ways to make Extra Money on the Side in 2018
Justin Bryant
Rent a friend is item #1 at 32 seconds.

7. Useful DCS Tools and Attacks

Antiterrorism Club

Build a cookie on the terrorist
Show new bomb
Show next bomb

Slip Drugs Attack - SFPD Version
X-ray Drugs Attack -  FBI Version

DCS Holographic List Attack vs. Terrorist in a crowd
Automatic Security (List Attack)

Twitter Attacks

Antiterrorism Cookie
Google Map Location Arrow

Converting a terrorist or Helping a lot of People

DCS Holographic video on a Skyscraper
Cashmojis: $M, $B, $T, The Mint